Priscilla Spencer

Chamber of Secrets -- Watercolor Edition!
Chamber of Secrets -- Watercolor Edition! by @prisspen (Priscilla Spencer)

Can I say just how cool watercolor style is? Provoked by Kell's post looking for Eowyn pictures, I started looking through a page of LotR art. One of the most prominent artists had a series of awesome watercolor paintings, and I started thinking about CG equivalents. I looked through my "CG Inspiration" folder and found some watercolor HP art by a Japanese fan and decided to try my own. Line art by the fabulous Agata Matteucci.

Try it! It's fun! Grab the line art of your choice and set it to "multiply" and about 30% opacity. Then create a layer underneath (try limiting yourself to just one layer--it makes the process more interesting) and paint with the Airbrush set to "multiply" at about 20% opacity and 100% hardness. I found that really light colors seem to work well. Just keep going over everything a couple million times.

Well, I certainly enjoyed myself. Now it's your turn. (And for the love of Percy, COMMENT!) Artwork © Priscilla Spencer and Agata Matteucci

Finished Work
22y88d ago
Other Work By @prisspen

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 07 April, 2002 @ 10:54 PM

Yay! First to comment!

I like how this turned out. I'm glad that you put how you did it in the discription cuz I only recently got a CG program and I still don't know how to do half the stuff on it.

I liked the original of this but I really like how yours turned out. It has a sorta subtlety to it. Like if it was a picture in an old book or something. Its hard, what I'm trying to say.

Anyways, it think it rocks, and if you ever get the chance,stop by my galleryon this site and drop a comment or two. I forget the address but you can always just search under 'Brenna Bahus'

Posted: Sunday, 14 April, 2002 @ 01:50 AM

utterly spifftastic. I think the soft watercolory style suits you :)

G.J. side7.com/art/rebemroc

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