Heather Alexander

A T-shippy reunion...
A T-shippy reunion... by @heatalex (Heather Alexander)

Hmmm, one of my more "serious" artworks, tho the sappyness will most likely kill you (as I told Terru- already showed it to her, lol. X3)

Anyway, if yer wondering "wtfih?" I'll tell ya. For nearly three years now, I have role played the character of Tracey Sketchit. It started out as a simple role play between friends from an ezboard ("Rakurai/Raichu Too") on aim. My three other friends had their own characters, which have mostly all been stored away forever by now- only the most favored ones remain.

My three friends are Terri (known as Terru, to tell her apart from her character, which she named Terri, after herself), Nikki, and Sam. Terru's oldest and still rp'd character is Terri, of course. Nikki's is James. Sam's is Sephiroth, I believe. My oldest is, of course, Tracey.

Anyway, two (and a half?) years ago, the characters of Tracey and Terri found out that they were in love with each other (about the same time Terru and I fell in love with him ourselves, hehe. >3). After they started going out, Terru and I began to brutally torture them. And I mean, WHOAH. These two have been through EVERYTHING together- Clones, shape shifters, stabbings, shootings, spied-on dates, simple games of Truth or Dare/Is THAT my DATE?!/Potions, the continuous wrath of Tracey's parents (who hate Terri SO much), the killing of their own children (future wise, not present. n.n; ), forceful love from Terru and I (me mostly, tho. XD Tho, I am NOT evil now, hah), and sooo much more. The list goes ON. And ON. Oh LORD.

Anyway, for a while, Terru, Nikki, and Sam went separate ways from me. The three of them kept in touch, but I was stupid enough to stray and not speak to them... til about a month ago, anyway. When we did become re-accquainted, Terru and I decided that we had TOTALLY messed up the lives of Tracey and Terri- so, we agreed to start them over at their original ages- 14, and 15.

Thing is, now, instead of love, they hate each other. They have no idea why- I mean, secretly, they both still love each other, but they're too stubborn to admit it, and, like Terru and I thought, they don't want to screw their lives up again. So, they bad-mouth each other a lot.

But then, their children (Taddi and Taro, twins- adorible little things- seriously the cutest kids ever), aged five, happen to come across their parents... Which totally shocks Tracey and Terri. After a little kissin' and cryin', they decided that they would form a truce to bring Taddi and Taro up right- even though they are STILL only 14 and 15. ^_~ (Terri: Yes, I'm 14, and I have two five year old kids because my Rper and her friend got bored one day... Tracey: Don't ask... Just don't.)

Anyway, now they argue about more serious ordeals out of earshot from the twins as not to put thoughts in their heads and scare them.

This picture was a little thought of mine, as to what it might be like if Terri and Tracey EVER came to their sences and learned to love each other again... I dunno, I think it's a cuuuute concept. ^_^

I may love Kenji, but Terri BELONGS with him. =) REALLY.

Sorry about the pic- I mostly posted it for the prismacolor quality- I'm working the bugs out with my prisamcolor skills, hehe! XD The drawing sux, tho. x_X; After these three long years, I still haven't managed to master the side profile of a human face... I'll learn in time, I guess.

Did you have fun reading all that? =D If you actually DID read it, then congratulations, you are NOW dubbed the BOREDEST PERSON ON THE FACE OF THIS PLANET. LOL. >D


(on an ooc note, I found out shortly after presenting this pic that Terru had changed Terri's outfit... @()G_$(EJG(J@$@#(_(!!!!, ya know? =3)

Finished Work
22y209d ago
Other Work By @heatalex

Comments & Critiques (44)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 03:38 PM

Wow!! Nice description!! I think I like the picture too, but I think i like the description more.

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:29 PM

Thank you very much. =)!

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 03:46 PM

Well, they really have been through alot haven't they???? I mean with tracey's parents wanted to KILL terri and all..... But I just have to asked, why them? I mean how come people want to shoot them and stab them, and kill them? I mean they aren't that inportant, I mean Kenji is just a old guys assistant. Inless you made Terri a secert spy!!! And if so, she doesn't belong with Kenji!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:30 PM

LOL, I know, it seems weird, but like... well, it takes too long to explain. Let me just say they hate her because of her psycho-killer sister. ^^;;; And no... she's not a secret agent or anything. ^^;;; lol.

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 03:57 PM

Well... as an official Pokemon master I can say that you've got Kenji's personalty messed up. Seriously. He doesn't sit around a cry over some bitch, which in my eyes has wayyy to skimpy clothes and enjoys to screws everyone. They don't really love eachother so I agree with KittyGirl

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:31 PM

... It's a good thing you don't rp with me, huh? o_O

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:05 PM

Why thank you, EvilAshKetchum. ON my part I would just like to say, that I agree completly!! I mean he really wouldn't cry over some person that says shes hates him, if I were Kenji (Or at least your Kenji) I would call up that Bitch and give her a piece of my mind! I would say, "HEY PSYCHO BITCH, IF YOU HATE ME, WHY DON'T YOU JUST COME OVER HERE AND GET SOME!!".

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:32 PM

She doesn't hate him. She was just confused. And so was he. And now they're back together again. And I'm sure that pisses you off. =) Good.

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:12 PM

XD!! Good one, Kitty Girl! X3 Hey, what the hell is up with Kenji's hair? X3 He looks like he's from the 60's!! Pokemon is a scifi thing- not 60ishness. XD

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:33 PM

Well, I happen to like the 60's. shrug And I didn't really post this for the drawing- mostly the prismacolors. They're nifty. =)

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:18 PM

OK, break it up you two, or I will have to zik Marill on you!! So big deal, its like a horrible writen soap opra, BIG DEAL. So it has no ploit and they are thrying to hard to make it a soap opra. BIG DEAL!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:34 PM

There's several plots. You just don't know them. Please don't speak before you know the whole story. Thanks.

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:22 PM

XD Poorly-written soap opra! HaHaHa... Kenji in a soap opra... that is a scary thought. Why doesn't your mom let you give your e-mail away, Misty?

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:35 PM

It's not a soap opera. o_O It doesn't air on tv. And it never will. Jeez. Why can't you people go waste your time making somebody else's life miserable? I mean, come on- please? I didn't do anything to you...

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:29 PM

This is one of your more serious art workssssssssss? Well sorry to bust your little happy buble full of hopes and dreams for this once happy couple, but sorry its so sad had you are trying to make this a soap opra!!! "Kristen: Kent, did you kill him? Kent: No, you have to belive me, it was my parents!!Kristen: I am sorry I can't belive you, after you had that afar I could never trust you again!!!" just a qick example of what you are trying to do right???? Ok good for you, if you had tv show it would be a hit!!! Sorry to say I wouldn't watch it though!!!!!

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:42 PM

If it was a tv show, I wouldn't watch it either, most likely... it's just a role play, and you people have no part in it, and therefore, should not be offended by it. Thank you, have a nice day? o_O

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:38 PM

Gyarg! Teh noses! They look like little lumps of um... flesh? I think Kenji and Terri(?)'s plastic surgary got a little out of hand. X_x; HeHe. That's funny. I once posted at Raichu Too but I never met you. I'm sure we could have understood this a little better if you extended the description (XD). Is Kenji making love to women at 15? Yer scaring meh. X_x; Plus the kids arn't really umm... adorable to say the least o.o; Hugs kids falls over backward

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:49 PM

Yea, I know. XD Sorry about that. I'm getting better- promise. o_O

Anyway, they're 15/16, but not really. They grew up, got to about age... 24 or something, I guess, then Terru and I reset their age to 15. But they still remember everything that happened to them. shrug It's just the way we decided to do things. I can't explain it. ^_^;;;

LOL, lots of kids aren't adorible, but I really do like Taddi and Taro. They're sweet kids. =)

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 04:50 PM

Wow are coments are almost as long as the description !!! Well you Haile shouldn't be offended, we are just a buch of people online that have nothing better to do, than insult people allll the live long day! O.o

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 09:51 PM

LOL, sorry. I just took it against me... +__+ That's a thing of mine- if anybody even APPEARS to hate me, I'll be beside myself. I just hate it. It's my weakness... argh.

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 07:33 PM

Dude .. you guys are sooooooo meeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, ya know- yur right tho, Halie dun have reason to be offended by yous, cuz she has no reason to listen to people like chu guys who go around Dissing (I say dissing cuz critisizing aint near so harsh and hurtful) other peep's art! =\ Art's a way of expressing yurself- to diss someone's art is to diss them, and guys you must not know Hal that well cuz she ish ona tha LAAAAAAAAST peoples that'd eeeevvvvvveeeeeeeeer deserve to be dissed. I know she'd never just gu up to yur gallaries and heartlessly tore yur hard work n' effort n' confidence n' motivation n' evvverything apart ... Honestly you guys, chu should all be ashamed of yurselves .. it's one thing to addmitt to having nu life- and chu know, it saddens me that yur so easily able to say that bout yurself since to me- I appreciate life more then anytin else- But its a whole 'nother thing to try n' force others' down with you. Whether jealous of their talent, optimism, or just "dun got nuttin better to do", treating others in the way you wouldn't/don't wanna be treated is just exactly why you yurself ish prolly being given a reason to reject a real life! You guys may naw like how Hal drew sometin- or how we RP our stories- but take a lesson from Disney. If ya don't got nuttin nice to say, dun say nuuuuuuuuttin at all. sigh That's the more important bit I had to say, please just stop hurtin Hal. I truly love her as a best friend and I know I have reason to too. Shes just a wonderful person and artist, I see nu reason that should bring this shit to her ._.;. Do good to others, and others will do good to you. Its a good lesson. Learn it, it'll make everyone's life better...

Annnnnyways, Wow ya know I was really suprised when I came home to see Hal all upset about the char-dissing and fighting for T-shippi n' such... x.x; Poor Halu's got her priorities wrong hugguness Hal she should be defending herself =P RPs aren't a fraction of a percentage as important. I'm still just more upset bout how you were treating Hal rather then T-shippy- yeeeeeet if she was so upset by it, may as well contribute mai defence for it like she asked n.n; Hmmmmmm well as to mai charry, Terri, I really dun care much bout what chu think of her- but I believe mai chars heavaly reflect me- so if ya missunderstand mai main char... O.o; might bring some missunderstanding to me too..... n_n; so may as well waste some time explaining dear Terri here nyo. Haaai... first of all- n_n; Terri a slut, that sorta makes me laugh... ooooooi. I can see where chu guys are coming from, but yous dunnu the whole stories. The whole kids bit- hey they're from the future, in correct time they woulda been born when Trace n' Terri were like, 20-somtin... really tho, TOTALLY reflected offa me- Terri's scared shitless of tha whole kids/intercourse bit O.o; oiiiiii LOL trust me the whole time we were like plannin this out, I was like "o_o I torture mai char- make her get shot- hit by busses- killed- but gaaawd what have I done now". In fact, it originally all started from a miss-interpeted (sp? x.x) joke I made n.n;. We were bored one day- plotless- sooooo here I am, trying to think of sometin dramatic... "Hey let's give em kids! >D"... it was a joke n.n; but lol it happened- I tried to stay in char as much as possible... dude we came up with this whooooooooole big thing to back their personalities too... basically in as short as I can say it, they were FORCED to have lil T n' T, =P cuz the lil guys woulda been killed in the future- blah blah blah- the RPer's mind works in funny ways n.n; sorri if you dun understand it. Basically tha most I'm trying to say ish Terri's no slut n.n; she haaaaaaaas noooooo lustfulness at all, she's like totally innoooooocent! Dude, I dun think she's ever even called a guy hot- just cute nyo. They did it outa love for their kids- they met em first after all- they each made big sacrifises for em- but hey, check it out, worked out fine and now Hal and I have tha cutest lil' chars around =) La diddle, hmmmmmm, as for the way she dresses/dressed n.n; I aint got much to say bout that, it's mai fault, totally O.o; sorri that its offended chus. n_n; blaaah, hmmmmm, what can I say? I'm a bad character designer, and I totally drew her clothes OOC. 'Course that outfit was her like ooooooold outfit, when I was young- design-unexperianced- immature- driven by about every other anime drawing out there- sorri n.n; her clothes dun reflect her at all, annnnnd now I draw her in diff clothes everytime, so well, Thanks for the tip! I'll watch out and naw draw her fashion OOC =3. Cooooourse... just reasoning to why I ever did/do... =P I like having flesh show- I love anatomy- I do life drawing (nude models nyo) every second Thurseday. Its fun. I wanna be an animator- I've been taught that life-drawing ish THE most important part of it- gotta know how the body works to make it move. I admitt it, I have sports illustrated swim suit edition mags laying 'round mai room... I want a guy one but they don't sell any! her clothes are strickly how I like to draw em- limited yet trying to be un-offencive- if they reflect anything, it's not slutyness or lust or whatever- it's mai appreciation for the human body =P and just for the record, I aint a sicko or nuttin! do some gesture drawings yurself and you'll see how much ya learn, improve, and appreciate. Yada. Done with that. Wheeeeeee now I saved the best for last. =) Doesn't even love him? Hah- that's like, as wrong as you can get. n_n duuuuunnu if Hal's told ya (sorri Hal didn't read all dat descriptioness n.n; I'll explain to ya later) buuuuut Terri's given her life for Trace, litterally, right after Trace just cheated on her- dumped her- annnnnnd basically left her heart broken (btw >D Trace was under the influence of mai love potion- dun blame him) We just finnished THIS RP a bit agu- and she basically did the same again- tho just went into second level shock insteada dieing n.n; Violence ish bad, I know, as hard as it ish to believe, I am NOT Sadistic... >D I just play a saddist on tv. Chu, annnnyways, back on topic- when I RP Terri- I RP from mai heart. Honestly- and really, I aint cold hearted nyo n_n;. She's always loved Trace- I'm her RPer, trust me I know. She'd do annnnnnnything for him, she values his life far over hers, she's crazy basically >D welll...... really I just think when it comes to Trace, she's a reflection of love itself gone to an extreme. Hey I'm a huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge Romantist (or Romantic >P how about Romantadict >D that sounds kewl)... Romeo and Juliet, Titanic, insert many more romances I can't think of right now, I'm inspired by that stuff, I dream by that mushyness, that love so strong it becomes life itself, I live by it, and I RP by it. Terri's in love allight- dunnu how to much explain it since to me, Love's hardly definable- but she is, I know it, and I RP it. I RP based on her characteristics, and RL. I RPed her broken from Trace- totally harsh to him in her own confusion, hopelessness, and loss. She said she hated him- yes- but she didnt. She knew/thought he hated her tho- so she hated herself too. I can assure you- everytime she said she hated Trace tho- which ya know, I dun even think was that often, she wasn't actually hating him at all. Just the fact that she'd lost him, he moved on, and she felt so useless... so unable to help him as she usually would, she felt like she left him- her life- down. The only reason she prolly dinnaw gu off n' commit suicide was because she loved her family- Trace included- and she wanted to watch over Trace, even from a distance, no matter how much it hurt her, cuz she loves him. Iiiiif that aint love, I'm sorri I just dunnu how to RP it then. Wheeeeeee lastly- not about Terri but about our RPs- =P Soap-operas... never thoughta them that way. Really tho- I dun care what you refer to our RPs as... to me they're romances, dramas, whatever they are, I like em. I'm inspired by them- I write cuza them- I even know what I want in life based off of experiances from them. Soap-opera or not, whats it matter? they're fun to RP- dramatic- mai gawd I'm soooooo big on dramatic stuff- they're enjoyable and expressive. =P As long as I can get anytin outa em- learning experiance, laughs, inspiration, creativity, whatever- they're fine to me, especially if I RP em good enough for others to enjoy too =) 'specially Hal. I came up with a good bit of this plot- sorri if ya dissagree with it- you dun havta, just please dun diss it cuz to me, it's art too =). Eep, oh yah, as for how Hal RPs Tracey... I agree, he really is nothing like the series Trace. =) I've said that afor, he's developed far beyond lil ol' Kenji- but chu know, I bet thats why I like him so much now n_n cuza how much of an awesome char Hal's made him. Its one thing to make up a char with lil shreds up tacky ideas like I did- but it's a job to develope one and give em backround and more emotions n' such =) Congrats Hal, I still love yur Trace RPing to bits! n.n way more then I'd ever enjoy any other pokemon dullness. -=3 Iiiiiiiiiiif ya dun agree with how amazing it is that someone could have that kinda creative talent to make the best char of pokemon even more amazing then he allready is... maybe you dunnu real character developement when ya see it... whatever the reason, =) if ya dun like it, ignore it, the disney line comes back again n.n dun say nuttin if ya aint got nuttin nice to say, yada.

Suuuuuness guys- think I gave ya enough reading to keep ya busy... =P dun pick on Hal, its low and you have no reason to. Hope this helped yas understand where Hal's comin from with our lovely T-shippyness n_n aaaaaand hope you life-less peoples find a life to enjoy rather then take joy from others. Later Dayz ~Terri~ (PS:..... dun make funna mai lingo either =P I know ya didnt, but it seems to become victem to much immature complaints O.o; if ya have a question bout anything I just said in mai own lil language, just ask >P)

Posted: Saturday, 27 April, 2002 @ 09:55 PM

shakes head, hugs Terru Guys, this is Terru. XD I swear, if you have anything to say now... you must have like... an iq lower than your shoe size.

Terru, yer like... THE best friend ever. Thanks so much. =) Luv ya, bu-uuuudddy. XD And so does Kenji.

Tracey: n_n;

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 12:43 AM

Man that's pathetic!! (The comments not the picture.) I can believe people waste their time ripping apart a nice little picture just because they a.) don't like the story or b.) don't like the pairing. Judge the picture for the pictures sake. Not just because you don't like the pairing or. "Kenji would naever say that!" and then say something like "If I were Kenji I'd slap your bitch-ass" Because face it, it's a character and Halie can do whatever she wants with it. And it's an okay picture but Halie is a very good artist if you've seen her really good stuff. I think this was out of pure spite and jealousy that these poor cretins found halie and decided gang up on her and dump all their little angst on a PICTURE. it's just a picture for crying out loud. Just get over it and move on.. and GET A LIFE! glomps You are a good artist Halie!!

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 01:20 AM

glompback XD Thanks, Sam! Waaaiiii! I feel so loved. XDD whoo!

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 12:57 AM

OKAY. FORST OF ALL, Hal is a WONDERFUL artist and has the most beautiful dreams than any of you insulting selkips!!! She knows things, things that you could never understand, nor prolly care about, if your life depended on it. Okay, so you may think that her creative RP's are "soap opra's" or crap like that, but at LEAST be mature about it enough to keep those dumb ass comments to yourself! I mean, OH MY GAWD, WHAT is your problem??? Insulting someone is one thing. But no, you've just gone too far. You've hit it where it really hurts, and you know it. You crack heads prolly think nothing of it, either. And you, EvilAshKetchum, I just have 2 things to say to you: 1) ASH IS NOT EVIL !!! AND THERE IS NO EVIL ASH!!! OKAY THEN!!!!! and 2) Just SHUT UP!!! X__X Your rude enough as it is, quit embarassing yourself and get out of here!! ><;; GAWD! And Kittygirl37whateverwhatever... you goin' around saying shit like "OH, I MUST agree with EvilAshKetchum!!! I blah blah blah ITS ALL ABOUT MY OPINION!!!" Okay, why dont you leave too. Your just annoying and mean. -- AND MistyIsTheBestFuckedUpGirl!!!!!!! NOT ONLY YOUR NAME IS FUCKING ST00PID, SO IS YOR RUDE "COMMENTS"!!!!! ><;;; OMG!!!! U should be dragged out into the street and shot!!!!!! Well okay, maybe not.. but you are worse than annoying and rude, and WHATS THIS SHIT ABOUT "Ok good for you, if you had tv show it would be a hit!!! Sorry to say I wouldn't watch it though!!!!!"??????????? OMFG that was obviously something said in just trying to be mean to Hal, or just to "fit in" with the other ruse losers, or whatever your reasons are.. oO; So just.. EVERYONE of you rude creeps, just go.. bother somebody else. This is really just dumb. --;;;;; And you know it.

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 01:22 AM

Man, don't I just have the best friends ever? XD I mean, look at them all, ranting these people out! =3 DUDE.

Thanks soooo much, Kotori-san. >D LOL, WE ALL KNOW M*STY IS THE EVIL ONE! XDD dies

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 12:57 AM

OKAY. FORST OF ALL, Hal is a WONDERFUL artist and has the most beautiful dreams than any of you insulting selkips!!! She knows things, things that you could never understand, nor prolly care about, if your life depended on it. Okay, so you may think that her creative RP's are "soap opra's" or crap like that, but at LEAST be mature about it enough to keep those dumb ass comments to yourself! I mean, OH MY GAWD, WHAT is your problem??? Insulting someone is one thing. But no, you've just gone too far. You've hit it where it really hurts, and you know it. You crack heads prolly think nothing of it, either. And you, EvilAshKetchum, I just have 2 things to say to you: 1) ASH IS NOT EVIL !!! AND THERE IS NO EVIL ASH!!! OKAY THEN!!!!! and 2) Just SHUT UP!!! X__X Your rude enough as it is, quit embarassing yourself and get out of here!! ><;; GAWD! And Kittygirl37whateverwhatever... you goin' around saying shit like "OH, I MUST agree with EvilAshKetchum!!! I blah blah blah ITS ALL ABOUT MY OPINION!!!" Okay, why dont you leave too. Your just annoying and mean. -- AND MistyIsTheBestFuckedUpGirl!!!!!!! NOT ONLY YOUR NAME IS FUCKING ST00PID, SO IS YOR RUDE "COMMENTS"!!!!! ><;;; OMG!!!! U should be dragged out into the street and shot!!!!!! Well okay, maybe not.. but you are worse than annoying and rude, and WHATS THIS SHIT ABOUT "Ok good for you, if you had tv show it would be a hit!!! Sorry to say I wouldn't watch it though!!!!!"??????????? OMFG that was obviously something said in just trying to be mean to Hal, or just to "fit in" with the other ruse losers, or whatever your reasons are.. oO; So just.. EVERYONE of you rude creeps, just go.. bother somebody else. This is really just dumb. --;;;;; And you know it.

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 01:24 AM

Man, don't I just have the best friends ever? XD I mean, look at them all, ranting these people out! =3 DUDE.

Thanks soooo much, Kotori-san. >D LOL, WE ALL KNOW M*STY IS THE EVIL ONE! XDD dies

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 01:28 AM

Oooooouu, she is the anti-christ... ++

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 09:09 PM

Wow!! You guys really are the meanest crulest people I know!!!! Whats your pooblem any ways? I think its a great pic, and a very creative ploits!!!! I think halie put alot of da efernt into it!!! So back of she bitches!!just go cralw back into the little computer holes you came furm!!!! I bet none of are as tallented as our Halie is, and would never think of any thing so creative!!!!! You guys are just jelise!!!! You guysare just big bullys and meanies!!!!! Well FUCK YOU!!! You are very very very very very very very very bad people!!!!! And you shouldn't even be abel to post on side 7 for your lack of smartness!!!!!! You guys are just meanies who just are big meanies!! MEANIES!!!!! Just go make someone eles feel bad!!!! Haile I think you are a very very very very very very very, talented person!!!!!!! No matter what these she bitches say!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:09 PM

LOL, thank you TraceyLover. =) hug Whee! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 09:24 PM

XD Of course Ash Ketchum is evil!! (Satoshi is not). My... you need caffeine. o.o; Sorry it just... all sounded like a soap opera XD snicker I mean... the whole 'They've been through stabbings, shootings, ect.' thing. X3 ...and the fact that you guys are responding with these huge 70-paragraph replies is kinds of funny. And we may be 'Meanie meanies!!!' but hell, we are good at it. >=)

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 09:59 PM

At least I have friends that are willing to post "70-paragraph" responses to my picture in defense of me, as opposed to your 3 line diss posts. Geez.

And you know, I didn't ask my friends to come and defend me. They just DID. I doubt you'd ever be lucky enough to have friends as good as mine.

And, for the last time, lay off! No matter HOW MUCH you come here and make fun of the way I role play Kenji/Tracey, his personality is not going to change at all! And he is just going to KEEP loving Terri! And I am going to make sure I rub it in your FACE! >_< Oh, new T-shippy pictures to come... Yes...

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 09:38 PM

XD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats a great point EvilAsh!!! You See , we have no lives by insulting Halie, but they have suckyer lives by actually responding!!! And have to care alot if they are going throuh the time to say we a big bullys and meanies!!! Hey Evil Ash? Just wondering who are you anyways???

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:03 PM

Actually, lives are better spent making friends as opposed to trying to bring others down. It's called optomism. You should try it sometime. REALLY.

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 09:52 PM

X3 Neh heh. Who am I? Well... I'm from Denver... and I like Pocket Monsters and such... XD Why?

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:05 PM

Since when did my picture become a chatboard?

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 09:55 PM

Wasting time by helping a friend? Wow you must not know what it's like to have a real friend then, if you'd rather deny friendship between others- the time friendship's worth- and claim that you guys aint wasting time creating enemies and pain insteada living life. =) I dun have much time online right now- so I'll make this a shorty. All I gotta say ish- you lil brats dun have lives to waste- cuz annoying and hurting others aint much of a life at all. Too bad really, if ya had lives, and friends, you probably wouldn't have even bothered hurtin Hal. =P you woulda known just how hard it is to get very far when there's so many true friends involved and ready fight back. Ah well- This has all gone to yur losses now if ya haven't noticed. Yous just created bad reputations for yurselves and enemies in all of us. =) ya didn't succeed in hurtin Hal- guess you just never knew what yous were up against. And of course ya wasted a good ammount of time- unlike us who didn't waste one letter- considerin all of this has been for a friend. You've basically lost the battle, I suggest you guys back off silently =) I doubt you really wanna know everything else we can all say about you from those few lil posts ya did. n_n Later Dayz all ~Terri~

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:30 PM

Terru roxxors, Terru roxxors, Terru roxxors. XD dies, lol I swear, thanks to all my friends backing me up on this. To hell with those of you who think you're just SO cool because you think you're hurting my feelings.

Keyword: THINK.

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:02 PM

Okay, isn't it clear that your not funny? Why dont you just leave already??? -_-;;

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:11 PM

Yea, for real. o_O; I'm glad they're amusing themselves...

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:09 PM

Umm... n.n;; You know... without knowing who I really am you can never really tell how many real friends I actually have... Who knows... I could be a celebrity for all you know X3 (By the way, Kittygirl. I'm from Denver. Were are you from?)

Posted: Sunday, 28 April, 2002 @ 10:18 PM

Right. And you don't know me. So like... why are you critisizing me again?

I swear to God, you people make no sense.

By the way, a celebrity wouldn't waste their time dissing somebody on the INTERNET. They'd be too busy with their own lives- hear that term? I know it may be new. Repeat it twice. Life. Yep. That's right. Go buy one from Walmart.

I'm about to start deleting comments. This is getting boring.

Posted: Monday, 29 April, 2002 @ 02:14 AM

I think you guys are losers!! Huges Halie back

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