Michelle Pollard

Dragona by @michpoll (Michelle Pollard)

Right, Dragona as a regular Dragonite. She's my friend at my local Pokémon Place thingy. Well anyway, this is Dragona and Sneaslet. Dragona stepped on his head after another victory of beating him... either at cards or the gameboy. Maybe that'll distract her from hyperbeaming me again cough.

Oh! And before I forget to mention. Dragona is me mommy, she is only a week older than me and I wuv her! pounces on Draggy and runs off with her cards

Finished Work
22y227d ago
Other Work By @michpoll

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 22 November, 2001 @ 06:09 PM

High-pitched scream How ADORABLE!!! I wuv it I wuvit IWUVIT!!!!!! stomps on Sneaslet's head again Aren't I cute? realizes she used da quote of Reeny's again and runs o.O

How I'm her Mommy I'll never know o.O

runs like heck AHHHHHH!!!! Don't kill me Reeny!

Posted: Friday, 20 September, 2002 @ 06:07 AM

Mesa love Snesels and Dragonites! XD I love this! Don't step on my head when I lose EVERY BATTLE this fall please Kat? XD

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Please keep in mind, critiques may highlight both positive and negative aspects of this work, but the main goal is to constructively help the artist to improve in their skills and execution. Be kind, considerate, and polite.