Julie Ottosen

aisha by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is just an aisha char I drew... I'm thinking of making her as an actual character on neo... but dunno.. I'll need some advice on that. I have room and all, just dunno if I want to actually create her, cuz... I get new chars and all, and they just sit there gathering dust.. it's so very sad.. ;_;

So, yeah.. she hasn't got a name... yet...

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Rough / Concept
21y99d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (24)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 06:20 PM

I like the picture, but I don't know there's just something I don't like about Anthros' with things comeing up out of their heads. -shrugs- But as you know I'm very weird -walks off to go look at eh pic of Chi and Diamond-

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 08:32 PM

e_e' Looks at her Eurythmira file Good but you shouldn't put that on Neopets cuz there are jut too many ppl to steal your ideas.......you know what i'm sayin?

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 12:31 PM

I didn't mean the picture itself, I meant if I should create the actual aisha on neo.. I dunno if I want to or not... cuz-- it's a picture right now, I dunno if I want the actual character... but yeah.. thanx

Posted: Friday, 28 February, 2003 @ 09:18 PM

mimicks aisha sings ahm, to sezzy for my shirt, to sezzy for my shirt, to sezzy for my shirt. Ahm, to sezzy for my pants, to sezzy for my pants, to sezzy for my pants...runs off singing, trips, and dies


nice pic by the way...^^;

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 12:32 PM

LMAO!!!! You're silly and crazy.. did you know that? lol. XD

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 07:08 AM

this is amazing! she is so cool, the pose is nice too. just an all round nice picture but um the tail is sorta freakin meh out a bit hehe grins i dunno, it just looks a bit short and i thought aisha tails were less fuzzy if u know wot i mean-blah, nev mind toodles!

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 12:28 PM

Yes, aisha tails on neo are smooth and short, but I'm taking artistic license to change that, since I can and I did. So there. XP lol.

Glad ye likey. heh.

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 05:47 PM

This pose reminds me of a Jennifer Lopez video.. weird o_0 Nice pic, your aisha ish pretteh! ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 07:18 PM

not that I like J Lo, but heh, okay. ^^;; thanx.

Posted: Saturday, 01 March, 2003 @ 10:24 PM

blinks I just read one other comment and well.. i think she kinda looks like J Lo. First you make Mystic (thats her name right? I forgot.. O.O!) look like Britney now this.. lol! Whos next, Jessica Simpson? ^_~ Anyway.. shes very purdy.. I like her pants! I have pants just like that.. lol.

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 04:16 PM

Okay-- 1. I did not MAKE Mystic look like Britany Spears. it was just one of the pictures someone commented that she reminded them of Britany. 2. The other comment on this one, they didn't say she LOOKED like J Lo, but that her pose reminded her of something in a J Lo video. I did not intentionally make my characters to resemble real ppl. Not in the least, if that's how you chose to look at it, then whatever, but I didn't draw this picture w/ J Lo or any other singer in mind. I never do. So yeah... okay then. >>

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 02:38 AM

It's a lovely picture; there's just one thing that seems a little off to me. I think her forearm is a little bulky for her build... Not that I'm an expert or anything.

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 08:35 AM

Hmm,I like,her arms look a tiny bit...Bulky,but other than that,its an awsome piccy,like all others of yours.

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 04:15 PM

Yep, someone said that too. XD. I see it now. thanx for pointing that out, you're right, it is a little too thick. I'll fix it when I color it... ^^;

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 05:28 PM

groans -_-; I didnt mean it THAT way.. I just said thats its kinda funny... and I know you didnt make Mystic look like Brit on puprose.. geez.. soooorry

Posted: Sunday, 02 March, 2003 @ 05:34 PM

If you knew it wasn't intentional, you should choose how you phrase your sentences better then. ^_~

Posted: Monday, 03 March, 2003 @ 03:07 PM

Pretty pic ^^ does she have a nose? takes off nose Aishas have NO noses XD did i start an aisha trend? pokes Xenniz they just started popping up after he showed up....

Posted: Wednesday, 05 March, 2003 @ 12:37 PM

Y'know, if you have sooo many charries sitting and gathering dust, why don't you just morph one into an Aisha?...

Anyway, this piccy is awesome. And just as a freaky coincidence, I just made up an Aisha character (altough nothing like this one, you drew). And those pants are really, really interesting. I think I saw something like that before...

Posted: Saturday, 08 March, 2003 @ 04:51 PM

She's very... tall o.o

I envy your creative mind and artistic talent... I saw jeans like those in a store once, but the X's weren't soo far up.

Posted: Friday, 14 March, 2003 @ 05:27 PM

Wow, she does look like J Lo... I like her hair. It's very... nice. :)

Posted: Friday, 14 March, 2003 @ 09:31 PM

I like her hair too. But, no offence, but I don't like to have ppl saying she looks like J Lo... cuz that's wasn't my intention and I don't want attention brought to it... I'm not a J Lo fan.. so yeah.. anyways.. thanx though. ^^;

Posted: Friday, 14 March, 2003 @ 07:13 PM

Um, hey, just wanted to say all 'round smexy pic, lol. This is my first time commenting on your beautiful artwork, even though I've been watching your gallery for like...a long time, lol. Your art ish realleh great, much looked up to by me ^^. um, so, yeah...keep up the wonderful pics =}

Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 07:13 PM

Ohhh! I like her pants! lol! And her hair! this is a koo pic.! ^^ GREAT job! Can't wait to see it colored ;)

Posted: Saturday, 20 December, 2003 @ 07:39 PM

WOW! Great job!

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