EvolovE 1313

I'm So Goth - I'm DEAD!
I'm So Goth - I'm DEAD! by @evol1313 (EvolovE 1313)

Okay... so lately people have been drawin' pics with blood and pentacles and crap and have been callin' them "gothic" pictures. I have now drawn the ESSENTIALS for a "goth" picture...

  • Black lipstick. GOTTA have black lipstick.
  • Fishnets (and other black clothing)
  • Bone-crushing corsets!
  • Collars/spikey bracelets/etc...
  • Pointless lyrics from mainstream rock artists (ie.: KoRN, Slipknot, etc) written very messy and have nothing to do with the picture
  • You HAVE to have a pentacle or an anarchy symbol carved SOMEWHERE in her body- 'cuz after all, ALL goths believe in that!
  • And last but TOTALLY not least.... BLOOD. You HAVE to put blood in there! It doesn't matter WHERE the blood is comin' from-- just PUT SOME! 'Cuz without it, my friend... your picture just ISN'T "goth" enough!

And there you have it...

Teen (V)
Finished Work
21y354d ago
Other Work By @evol1313

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 25 August, 2002 @ 08:26 PM

M'yep, that about sums it up. Could use some more eye liner, though.. maybe an ankh (or is it anhk? I dunno..).

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  • Heavy Critique - A serious analysis of this work, with emphasis on identifying potential problem areas, good use of technique and skill, and suggestions for potentially improving the work.
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