EvolovE 1313

You Are Stellar
You Are Stellar by @evol1313 (EvolovE 1313)

sigh Brandon Boyd is so stellar... melts into a puddle of goo

Aaanyway! I did this for mah buddy Joey who's a big Incubus fan... didn't turn out how I wanted it to.. but... shrugs This was gonna be my first time workin' with layers-- but I started it out on the wrong layer and it just went horribly wrong from then on so I just... moo. -_-

And YES... he IS wearing pants damnit! If you know Brandon Boyd- you'd know that he wears 'em preeetty low! Sooo... MNAH!

picks up a guitar and plays an acoustic version for Joey But ah'm thinkin' so much differentlaaaay... ^_^

Finished Work
21y352d ago
Other Work By @evol1313

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 10:20 PM

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! gasps and falls over, twitches, and then proceeds to spaz out sighs, drools, then saves multiple times This is so gonna be my background for a long long time, and in that Incubus fan art folder I've built up. Man, this is like excellent work.....hehe, I didn't even see 'Brandon' there and looked at the body and face and was like 'oh my gosh!' hehe...I dunno about you copyrighting him....maybe we can share, lol! Great work, really!

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