Nikki Star

Result of TAKS Test #2: The Jhonen Goose!!! by @NightmareNikki (Nikki Star)

If you read the drawing before, you already know about the TAKS test, so I'll skip that part.

Well, I drew this one on Thursday, durring the reading test. I was reading the last little story thing, and I was REALLY bored. All of a sudden I get this crazy idea for a Jhonen "goose". Why? I don't know. Don't ask me what possesed me to do that....my mind was really insane at hearing so much....SILENCE!!! >.< Anyway, I decided to make a little comic about it! ^^ I thought it was pretty funny. Crazy, but funny. I might fix it up later so you can tell what he's saying, but for now I'll just tell you. first pannel- the thing pointing from the little "frog" thing says "ribbit" and the thing pointing to the goose says "goosy" second pannel- the thing pointing to the goose says "smile" because its hard to draw a goose smiling 0_o third pannel- probably you understand this, but still, it says "FLASH!" fourth panel- "Wha!?" fith pannel- in the little action bubble thing "look" and if you care, the clock is at 4:00 am, and there is some "wan fu" chinese take-out type stuff (I got the idea when we saw a resteraunt called that...you can call it "thai" if you want because I heard he likes it) and an ice "sucky". Also, happy noodle boy is in there, but pointing to it you see "model" sixth pannel- "Awe...It was just a dream..." "I knew it was just too good to be true" seventh pannel- it just says "The End, by Nikki"

Some more little cool things to look out for in 3-6 are a pair of Lenore posters and a Zim one, too. Also, if you can tell, he was sleeping on his desk while drawing some comic.

Yup..thats it...why I drew this, I don't know. If Jhonen sees this, he is probably just clicking "back" slowly... This has to be crazyiest thing I've ever drawn... ^^; What was going on in my mind, I don't know, but I already know I'm crazy, so you don't have to tell me that.

21y306d ago
Other Work By @NightmareNikki

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 31 August, 2002 @ 11:30 PM

WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! JHONEN GOOSE!!! Too adorable!! ^^ I like ducks meself, but the goose ROCKS!!! I love how you draw Jhonen, both as a waterfowl and a human being (or IS Jhonen human??? 0_o Hmmm... well, he looks like a human anyway). The premise of the comic IS pretty bizarre, but that's what I love about it ^^ And it's funny! It's one of those things where you really don't know WHY it's funny, but it's just plain damn hilarious, especially at the end there. I get this weird kick out of seeing Jhonen wishing he was a goose, it's just so... cute ^^ Spiffykeenaroony job ^^ (God I make up the STUPIDEST words -_-;;)

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