Li Chi Son

On with the leaky black ink pen profile pictures *gags from the long line*
On with the leaky black ink pen profile pictures *gags from the long line* by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Yeah! I'm reshaping these joker-like creatures. Meet Hikaru! A card flinging bossy megalomaniac.

Funny how Hikaru and Tailigail were created based on two girls (just by names, not by character or looks)>.<

I really like how this turned out, drew the hands and shape of the body with pencil...I'll say it again PENCIL! A tool I hardly use unless it's to do math. I've been using the pencil a bit now, just a line for the curve of the body. Got reminded why I hate using the darn thing, I press too hard so it makes lines when I erase...too hard to erase it completely...and the main problem I SMUGS TOO MUCH!!!!

Looks good, I like....maybe I should have drawn the big knuckles with pencil first ;p

Enjoy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
22y80d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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