Li Chi Son

I finaly picked up my very inky black pen!
I finaly picked up my very inky black pen! by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

Tailigail!!!! My first ever character to invent at the beginning of high school (5 years ago). Hmmm, he was a pokemon first, played around with that idea

(Ideas in my webpage)

and then I learned about NiGHTS into DREAMS (a game by Sega)

There's a pic in the char bio that goes with this story (named Yuki)

Argh, I wish I didn't draw this on LINED PAPER!

inky pen harder than blue pen cause lines need to be cleaner. Mistakes here and there

sorry for that blobby tihng on the arm (got it a bit wet.....-_-...damn)

maybe the lettering should have been higher.......

Interesting enough, my classmates still remember when I first drew him! Kewl ne? Maybe I'll draw more of Tailigail soon....I had drawn him a few months ago but it was trash -_-;;; too horrible for words.

Maybe I'll make a link to those nights images sooner or later (plenty in my room and on the net)


Finished Work
22y87d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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