Megan Casey

Ah...the joys of Daryn...aren't I lucky to have this guy running around my head?
Ah...the joys of Daryn...aren't I lucky to have this guy running around my head? by @paradox (Megan Casey)

Lovely Daryn. He's wonderful, isn't he? XP
...he frightens me... ...what frightens me more is that i created him... lol ^_^


The first ever picture of what would become Daryn, actually isn't there --... heh, the first one, was during math, and I had some song by...uh, I'm not sure who, stuck in my head. "Hey dad, What do you think of your son now?" or...something...And I drew the first ever Daryn beside it...Nina liked the little dude, and said I should draw more (i.e. draw more and let her have some! (lol)) So. That I did. The second picture, I coloured (well...as much as you can colour daryn) Which would be the picture where he's just going "...Wha'...?" during an English test. The third was also drawn during the test...the one where he's ever so fascinated by his foot... ( "Dude... It's my foot!" ) I actually named him and made him a character after that one. There's no real chronological order for the other pictures on there... Bottom Right...well, he's chasing a purple chicken --- which all Pictou townies will get --- erm, 'cept they never come here, tha bastahdz. Top right, above the foot picture, if you can't read it, it says: "Conthum? Wut flathered conthum? ah dunt no wut thyor talthink abowt..." Inspired by some guy, Anthony, who actually put one on his tongue...most unfortunatly, it's the type of thing Daryn would do... --' If you know what he's saying...uhm, lol, you can have one! XP

Bottom-ish Left...hm. He passed out in the auditorium during a...thing that they would have in the auditorium! So they left him there...how he ended up sleeping like that --- I'm not sure. And that's /drool/ coming out of his mouth, btw. The picture directly above that is not related to it though. It's when he just wakes up and stumbles out of bed. ( "Where's my gel...? and...my clothes...?" ) Leave the house without his hair spiked? Ah...the...horror? The only time you'll ever see him with his hair not spiked, wearing a light blue t-shirt, and yellow boxers. He's proud of his boxers though, (yellow boxers, Trevor?), because they have "cool" MSN messenger bats on one leg, and the actual things you hit to make them on the other...he's so weird. Thanx to Nina, she made me think of the boxer design though...(i almost made them purple and shiny) And the Top Left...is after he gets his tail. He whines for a tail, and what does he do? He hugs his leg. Yes. He loves his leg...don't...ask me why...I don't want to know...lol, I wanted to experiment with odd positions. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

22y60d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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