Megan Casey

Awwww......whadda cute freak that lives in my head and is slowly destroying my brain and any sanity I have left! awwwww....Daryn's so cute!
Awwww......whadda cute freak that lives in my head and is slowly destroying my brain and any sanity I have left! awwwww....Daryn's so cute! by @paradox (Megan Casey)

^_^ More Daryn.

The first three pictures, top of the page. F.1 (Face 1) : Gaw' only knows what he...saw or...drank or...ate or...whatever now. But, I like it! It reminds me of Calvin from Calvin & Hobbes! F.2 (Face 2) : I don't overly like this one...his ehad looks like a balloon! F.3 (Face 3) : Happay, excited Daryn, yep.

  1. (Daryn&Dog) Daryn the Dense...thinks the "puppy" is cute ( "Aww... Whadda cute puppy!" )...so of course, he tries to pet the ferocious, viscious, snarling, growling, frothing "puppy"...
  2. Tha aftermath of picture 1. ( "It wuz cute, But not nice!" ). Yes--- his arm eventually grows back.

3.Awww...Daryn's gonna cry...( "why can't i have a tail?" )...^_^ whee. I wanna tail! So does Daryn. 4. So. He gets a tail. He gets a foxxer tail, yep! He's happy... ( "thank you!" ).../i/ still don't get a tail though... 5. Daryn then proceeds to chase his tail. And forget what it is. ( "I'll get you yet, you dastardly...furry...uh... ..... thing!" )

?. this picture has no chronological order...I guess it's just another headshot! His head opens up, and his brain escapes ( "My Brain! It's escaping!" ) that brown bat-like thing. Ou, and yes, that's a spiderweb on the top half of his head, and it's a big spider near the brain's tail. Artwork © Copyright 2002 Megan Casey

22y60d ago
Other Work By @paradox

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