
Building of a World-New Avalon GrandLaner Project In Minecraft
Building of a World-New Avalon GrandLaner Project In Minecraft by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

FINALLY! I can show you all what the final design of the SSG9 Behemoth is like as its final design, the engines were all built on both the deck of the ship, and the back also sports giant turbine propellers.  I had considered a derigible balloon but thought best to keep the design as close as I could to the Final Fantasy style Airships I loved so much.

The SSG9 has 4 manned cannons with their own moving platforms (sadly not in reality of the build though)  multiple areas of the ship are open for crew to go out on the platform at the back of the ship to take in the sights outside of the ship when its not moving or just drifiting through the clouds. 

I had originally planned to make the ship longer with passenger areas expanded but thought it best to keep the ship to a relative and believeable size.   To say this ship is my masterpiece build is an understatement and I spent 5 months building it, crazy part is I would do it all over again if I had to.

Minecraft is (C) Mojang and Microsoft 
GrandLaner Project is (C) and (TM) J.Delorey Productions Sword Dancer Studio Canada LTD
All Rights on the original work of this world reserved. 

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Wednesday, 18 September, 2024 @ 05:56 PM

Five months, I can believe it. It's damn impressive from the outside, so knowing it's fully mapped out is... well, if I do swing back into Mincraft, I've got a lot of climbing to do. :P

best to keep the ship to a relative and believeable size

Now where's the fun in that?

Posted: Wednesday, 18 September, 2024 @ 07:49 PM

@Thorvald: Hard to believe though that this model took LESS time then the rest of the world build itself.  Yeah I plan on doing another larger airship at some point as posting all these pics has re-lit the fire of creativity in me. 

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