@Thorvald || Profile
El Thorvaldo Moderator
Salutations, dear visitor! I am El Thorvaldo, alias Thorvald of Lym, or simply Thorvald. In whatever spare time isn't consumed by computer games, I draw cartoons. I've been doodling since before I was in school, and while I will probably never make a career out of it, it's a hobby I enjoy and continue to improve upon. I've been told I am also a gifted writer, although I have yet to complete anything worth formal publication. The common topics of my musings include comedy, war and geopolitics, and the fantastical/supernatural, which when taken together have provided the foundation for a number of projects over the years.
Those that know me, know me over at CivFanatics as one of the lead contributors to and de facto boss of the collaborative comic, "DRAW Your Own Story". I was also an on-and-off participant in the "Imperium Offtopicum" geopolitical roleplaying games likewise hosted on CFC. Most of what I showcase here has to do with one of these two subjects.
Latest Journal Entry
I'll be out of town Wednesday to Friday and while I may peek in during downtime, assume any correspondence will be delayed until the weekend.
BK's back in the saddle and I'm confident S7 will stay its normally calm self. Don't let me down. :B