Hehe! I loved this story. Great pic! LOOKY DIBBY!!
Fear the Talking Appliances by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
=D; Long overdue illustration for my now year-old parody fanfiction, 'KidK and the Zim!' And look! I didn't even draw it! XD;; Lynne did, I just colored. So thank you, Lynne, because if it weren't for you these guys would never have EVER gotten drawn.
So anyway, this is the comedic speaking household item duo of Rossi and Dibsford! =D cheer I like how they came out...praise LYNNE for the drawing, though. 9.9;; But I still think I did a good job with the metal bits and with the lighting and shadow and STUFF. Ah wells. This is probably the part of the story where Johnny first gets into the castle and the two are trying--and failing miserably--to stay quiet. =B
Comments & Critiques (4)
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YAY!! :D! It's my two future husbands making themselves useful around the house!!! is evil
Anyway, AWESOME coloring job, KidK ^_^ The lighting is REALLY cool and the metalness and woodness looks very good! It's so totally.. BaTB lookin!! GREAT JOB!!! dances