Wow i love this picture KidK, Keep up the great work ^_^
The Most Beautiful Shining Star by @kidkourage (KidK Mirai)
Okay, this can be explained. 9.9;; Lasst night, my alter ego, RK, was talking with her most favorite person, Maroon, and he happened to say to her that she was 'the brightest star in his sky'...and she being the anime freak she is giggled and told him he 'sounds like Mamoru.' Which he does. A lot. XD; In fact I have here the very quote from the Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailorstars manga that made her say that in the first place...'Sailor Moon, you will always be invincible. The most beautiful shining star.' =B drools with glee at the sap And then presently RK realized that, at least in length and color of hair, she resembles Usagi...and also that she and Maroon have about the same height difference as Mamoru and Usagi...
So this was today's whim of drawing!! A whim that took hours and hours! ;.; Drat me and my manga fandoms! Still I think it looks kinna cool. ^.^ Though I haaate Usagi's's so weird with the belt-ish bit being above the waist so it makes the wearer look all short-torsoed...mleh. Coloring came out good, though. With extra special shading powers! Which I'm spending more time on, now...and I'm glad I am, too!
puts on 'Moonlight Destiny' and melts into the sweetness Awwwwww...8B==---
wow...this is spectacular! the coloring job is fantastic! so bright and vivid! and I love the concept of the pic too! it's so full of love and warmth ^^ it's adorable. I especially like RK's hair. you did a great job coloring it! and the costumes look great! awesome job!