Julie Ottosen

bubbles!! *pop!*
bubbles!! *pop!* by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Oiy this took like so forever to color!! xX; But I likes how it turned out. ^^; Yeps

Tis Fhaux and Ethan in the bubble bath. teehee. XB;

Fhaux © Kara 2002-03 Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y66d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (25)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 11:44 PM

-drools over Ethan- WOW!! -is all she can say- WOW!.... XD lol.. Great piccy Julie ^^ -looks at Fhaux- you so lucky girl........ -looks to ethan and drool again... falls down dead- meow? X.x ((I think that I am the first to post ^^... Keep up the awesome work Julie!!))

Posted: Wednesday, 02 April, 2003 @ 11:44 PM

-drools over Ethan- WOW!! -is all she can say- WOW!.... XD lol.. Great piccy Julie ^^ -looks at Fhaux- you so lucky girl........ -looks to ethan and drool again... falls down dead- meow? X.x ((I think that I am the first to post ^^... Keep up the awesome work Julie!!))

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 01:35 AM

this is one of ur best julie-on colouring and shading and, er.. perfectness this is like at number one!^^ its just soo, real. ethan looks alive in this one-seriously and its kinda scary. he looks like he could walk outta the bath mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhehe! and outta the computer, he really looks alive, congratulations! faux is so purty, and lucky-they are her legs stickin out right? i think her expression is gorgeous and i love the wet-look you gave her hair i cant doo that grrr! lol another bit i love apart from all of it! is the watter and bubbles clinging to their backs-its just summat that lots of people wouls miss out and there it is on yours, julie this queen of detail! hehe oooh yeh, i luff the tiles too grins i wanna join u ethan, but it dun look like ther is any mor room cry bye bye!

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 03:08 AM

Ooooh, Julie, this looks really amazing. I love how you did the bathroom tiles. The whole atmosphere of the picture is very nice (I noticed you also changed the faucet on the tub from the sketch, nice touch... lookie much better). And then of course there's Ethan and Fhaux themselves. They look perfect. I can't remember if I've ever seen Fhaux colored before. She's very striking, with her dark hair and bright blue eyes against her white pelt. Anyway, fantastic job, Julie-bear ^^

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 03:08 AM

Ooh, you know what I was gonna mention? It woulda looked neato if you'd added a bunch of candles around the tub, and changed the lighting so it looked like the candles were the only thing illuminating the room... but I know you won't do it because I remember a picture you did where you had a ton of candles but you didn't draw the flames on each one because it's too tedious... lol, so yeah... I dunno why I brought that up, knowing you wouldn't do it anyway... maybe because I'm a dork... lol... flies away

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 05:37 PM

Oh, no, you misunderstood me. I just said that I didn't draw them in that picture of that one girl.. cuz I just didn't want to draw each candle in the sketch and all the flames and such, but I was going to do it whenever I got around to coloring that pic.. which is still on the list. lol. Anyways.. I likes that idea though, might make the pic even better actually! Or to have the darker atmosphere and all.. Hmm.. thanx for the suggest! ^^ huggles

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 07:45 AM

Well this is very nicely done. Looks more like a tub or whatever it's suppose to be now. Ethan looks like he's just looking off into space where as she looks like she's watching him, which I think is the case. Anyway I'll go now

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 11:02 AM

EEEEEEEEEEE so purty!! glompkling i heart yew Julie-chan =^_^= i would crit. but there isnt anything to crit. on! xD; pets Ethy mmm muskels

> << grope

Fhaux looks so pretty! I heart the way ye drew her! 'zactly like she's suppost to look! ^^ nod nod

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 03:10 PM

WOW! Fhaux's hairs are beautifully matching with her eyes!!! She's really pretty when she is all colored... and wet! loll

But can't Ethan smiles to her? I meen, he alwais gets cute girls and kisses them, but NOOOO mister CAN'T smile to her! Come one Ethan, you are taking a BUBBLE BATH with a chick! Can't you look happier?

Well, even though Ethan's usual emotion * maybe that IS what makes him charming * This IS a great pic, and I love it!

Excellent work!

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 04:08 PM

Stares at pretty-ness of tiles oooOOOooo...Fuh-nascinating. blink EHM!

ANYwho...what I was TRYING to say was... Great job, Julie ^^ Fhaux looks all pretty-like. Love the hair, how you did it. Very, very nice. nod-nod Not gonna comment on Ethan because everybody does. And well, I wouldn't be saying anything new. Heh.

But, I would like to say...Give the poor guy a break! I mean, didn't he just get tossed across the room of a bar? Yeesh, I'd be out of it too! I dun think you'd be gettin' much of a smile outta me, if that happened. But ya know, that could just be me... shrug

Anyway. Again, awesome job Julie. Keep it up! Not that I need to tell you to, as we all know you will. ^^ scurries away now

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 08:10 PM

You and your MADD SKILLZ!!! ahhhh!!! runs around like an ididot and smashes into a wall Im ok! your art just keeps getting better!! Fhaux looks sooo pretty and Ethan (my little slave ;) ) needs to come tend to me while i pretend to be sick XD er...COUGH!! this is me coughing!!! come take care of me Ethan XD what a silly insider... yes i dont think ill let Thomas see this pic (coz he luffles Fhauxie poo..:( poor boy) Loverly pic again!

Posted: Thursday, 03 April, 2003 @ 10:15 PM

I like the tiles, but I still think that it looks like a giant sink, but not as much as it did last time. Vey gud!!

Posted: Friday, 04 April, 2003 @ 02:24 AM

Well I certainly havent been on to comment for a while but this by far is one of my favorite pictures youve ever done. Once again Julie, great job! I agree with the candles the lighting affect would be... hmm how to word this. Tremendiously great. I also agree with the tiles. I like this textures. Love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it love it

Posted: Friday, 04 April, 2003 @ 02:41 PM

giggle giggle twitch MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! dumps bucket of purple dye and ice on ethan MUAHAHAHAA! EVOL STREAK! now cotton fluff purple! runs away

Posted: Saturday, 05 April, 2003 @ 06:36 PM

Wow Julie! Amazing coloring! Did you color it with colored pencils and then finish it on the computer? Or was it all on the computer? It kinda looks like it was done by hand & finished on the computer. LoL, You fixed the faucet. Looks more like a jacuzzi now than a sink. :P I love the tiles and Fhaux's hair! Her hair is so shiny and perfect and the tiles are just well WOW. Detail is amazing there!! Well, this definitely took a while to color but it looks amazing. Oh and I'm for the whole candle thing too!! That would not only make it even better b/c of the lighting effect and all but it would be REALLY romantic! wink wink :) Wonderful pic Julie!! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 06 April, 2003 @ 12:33 AM

it was draw with just sketch pencils to begin with, then all computer colored. ^^ and yes, I so do like the idea of candles and soft yellowish lighting.. I will still play around w/ that more. ^^ Oh, and to answer your other question it -is- pronoucned like fox. ^^

Posted: Saturday, 05 April, 2003 @ 06:40 PM

Oh yeah! I forgot to ask something. I'm curious, is Fhaux pronounced like fox? Or is it pronounced another way? Just wondering! ^_^

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 08:38 PM

way cool.. (CURSE YOU FOR MAKING ME LOVE ANTHROS! I cant stop drawing them and I killed my pencil..)

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 10:30 PM

WOW!!!! - I LOVE this one! Fhaux is... FOXY! XD!!! Ethan don't look to bad eather ;) XD! I LOVE this pic.!!! Everything looks so AWSOME! The coloring is so good!!!

Posted: Tuesday, 08 April, 2003 @ 11:35 PM

First I must say summen. I think your drawing has gotten -much- better. I went -way- back in you r gallery the other day, and I came forward, and You're older drawings rule but I think you're more current ones rule more.

heh just 'cos Ethan's in a tub w/ a women doesn't mean that he has to make out w/ here eyes the other people strange....

corse, don't bring up Nef---

Nef: don't you dare...

Me:: party pooper, she takes the fun outta everything... besides if she were in a tub w/ a guy gets wacked over the head >.<;;; oweh...

crawls away

Posted: Tuesday, 08 April, 2003 @ 11:44 PM

Dude, I totally believe you. I really have improved lately. I owe it to the people I've made friends w/ for their inspirations, and for other pieces of art over the web that I've found. I know that my art before was good and all, I guess... XD But I've evolved to better now, I can really see it in myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not getting all snobbish about it, I can just tell that I'm getting better too. And it helps to know that someone else is seeing it as well, so I don't think I'm just delusional. ^_~ so thanx. ^^

Oh, and yeah, I was thinking that too, I don't think Fhaux and Ethan were going to do anything, since they weren't actually looking -to- do anything... ^^;

Posted: Monday, 14 April, 2003 @ 06:21 PM

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeethan! You wittle nawty boy! Nice pic :p

Posted: Wednesday, 30 April, 2003 @ 07:16 PM

EEP!I wanna be Fhaux!She ish SOOOOOO lucky!Now I'm all jealous.I luff how did the bubbles and stuff.Thas really cool.The faucet still looks a little sink-like,but not alot!So yea.All in all,I give it a 12 (on a scale from 1-10!)

Posted: Sunday, 21 December, 2003 @ 10:29 AM

Ethan is soooooo hot! stabs Fhaux He's mine! gets in tub Hello hottie! Make more of ethan! Maybe you should draw him chained up and he is trying to get out! That would be sssssoooooo cool! Okay, leave me and Ethan alone now! just kidding

Posted: Tuesday, 23 December, 2003 @ 09:16 AM

Okay, that Tim dude is WWWWRRRROOOOONNNNNNGGG!!!!! The bath does not look like a sink! I have a bath just like that! Jules, you shouldn't take crap like that from idiots like him. You made this picture look perfect!!!!! scowls at Tim

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