Jess Buehler

Sketches by @jessbueh (Jess Buehler)

You see that little death with the A-Bomb in the middle of the page, there? THAT'S the reason why I didnt get to finish with my "SPORK!" project. I had 2 or 3 more pages I was going to do, and I had a Term Paper on Hiroshima to write. FEH. Atleast I learned alot, and reafirmed my belief that we DEFINETLY SHOULD NOT HAVE DROPPED THE FREAKIN BOMB!

Anyways, the little kid was an idea for the cover too, but I decided against it. Too morbid. So I went with death, and a forsaken Scythe... just it didnt have eyes, or tears, or a sign. It was just wicked looking and on the ground with a pised off looking squiggley mark above it! ^_^

The GMO: Frankenfood thing was for my health 2 class though. I needed some extra credit to get my grade up ONE LOUSY PERCENT to make it an A.. L I got it in, looked to see what my grade was, just for the hell of it, and it was an A before I got it turned in. Well, ok, so I didnt get an A-. heheheheheh Artwork © Copyright 2002 Jess Buehler

Rough / Concept
21y314d ago
Other Work By @jessbueh

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Tuesday, 27 August, 2002 @ 09:04 AM

Aww, the little scythe is so cute! ;)

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