Kim Gavlas

The attack of Noodle!
The attack of Noodle! by @kgavlas (Kim Gavlas)

Gorillaz fanart, whee. I started an assassin character in Diablo II, and for lack of a better idea named her Noodle. So, uh, it's Noodle, as an assassin. Did I mention "whee"?

Finished Work
22y35d ago
Other Work By @kgavlas

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 09 May, 2002 @ 04:05 AM

There's always something guiltfully pleasing about an assassin and/or maniac jumping up yelling "whee!" with a bunch of blades! XP kina like the "i hate myself and i want to die" shirt thingy!

I love this pic!

Posted: Thursday, 09 May, 2002 @ 01:29 PM

Nice! It's actually quite believable... so ya gonna do the other `Rillaz as Diablo chars? I mean, 2d would make a good Necromancer... and Murdoc as a paladin would just be too ironic. HAIL NOODLE, ASSASSIN QUEEN! Keep drawing... art is contagious. -Unknowner

Posted: Sunday, 12 May, 2002 @ 05:12 AM

Cool!!! I love the background and overall atmosphere of the pic!! Noodle's my fave of the Gorillaz

Posted: Friday, 05 July, 2002 @ 04:00 PM

Great work !!! Noodle is really ma fav for mda Gorillazz !!! draw more of her !!!

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