Kvara Klawstorm

Too much backround... meeh...
Too much backround... meeh... by @zankara (Kvara Klawstorm)

This pic actally started out cool. I was workin on face expresions, and thats basicaly all. But then I just HAD to add a backround... oy!

This pic wore me out big time! So... its not even done. I don't think I'll ever get around to finishing it again. It took to long just to color and wasn't worth it...

Aw well... heh, Ace looks kinda cute in t his pic.. I don't think I've ever uploaded just a avrage pic of him... Aw well! You'll see more of him soon! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Kvara Klawstorm

22y91d ago
Other Work By @zankara

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 12:26 AM

It turned out SOOOO great! It was great before, but now, WOW!!! It's sooo cute!!!


Posted: Wednesday, 01 May, 2002 @ 02:40 AM

Sweeeeeeet!!!!! Awesome job!! Just ONE thing...you should use the "Add texture" tool thingys and use the grain texture, or you could go out of your way and make the rock a canvas texture, and the sand in the background grain...goes on and on ANYWAY! Heheh^^ Just a though:)! Sorry! --!

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