sick of being sick
sick of being sick by @diatzk

little bit of vent art with my new sona dia

i’ve been sick for months and i’m not getting any better. i’m so tired of being tired and sick of being sick

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Thursday, 15 February, 2024 @ 05:27 AM

Oof, I know how you feel! I used to get sick almost every time the first week the new year starts. It usually took anywhere from a couple weeks to a whole month and a half to fully recover. It really sucks, especially since you can’t do as much as when you’re healthy.

My parents and I have actually started taking some more herbal/natural remedies. Little concoctions that are supposed to help with seasonal allergies, boosting your immune system, and things like that. So far, I have yet to get sick even once since starting it.

Posted: Thursday, 15 February, 2024 @ 02:39 PM

@Agondray: I’ve started drinking green tea and elderberry and it has helped me feel a little better ;w; so maybe there is something there with herbal remedies !! it’s been a lot more helpful than over the counter meds.. and even some prescription ones. i have a really bad cough that i just can’t seem to get rid of T-T

but thank you for the sweet comment, and I’m glad you haven’t been sick since! i truly hate being sick. i’m chronically ill so some things cannot be helped but getting sick with the flu or like COVID (I got it for Christmas and am still struggling to recover ;-;) is sooo overwhelming ;;

Posted: Friday, 16 February, 2024 @ 03:30 AM

@diatzk: I remember my dad saying that the vast majority of prescription drugs and over-the-counter meds were designed to only treat specific symptoms and not the actual illnesses/diseases themselves. Considering how pharmaceutical products have only worked in the short term in my experience, I personally feel like there might be seem some truth to that.

You’re very welcome! I’m not sure about coughs, but there’s a concoction that my mom makes that can help boost your immune system. All you need to make it is a small teaspoon of honey, a shot glass half full of water, and a few drops of doTERRA’s ‘On Guard’ oil. The ‘On Guard’ itself is basically a mix of essential oils from cloves, eucalyptus, rosemary, cinnamon bark, and wild oranges. I believe it’s best to take it at night before you go to bed, so your body can properly absorb and make use of it.

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