Nosane Tryhard

Iphos Concept
Iphos Concept by @NosaneTryhard (Nosane Tryhard)

Iphos is a small nocturnal bird that lives in snowy regions. Its body is covered in white, thin feathers, has a long black beak, long thin legs and no visible eyes. Its rarely seen because it spends most of the time in its shelter. Once it goes out into the field, it feeds on Neha, which is a type of insect that crawls in the snow. It rarely vocalizes, but uses its loud scream to chase away predators and intruders. Despite it being harmless, when it senses danger, it becomes aggressive because Iphos' defense system is based on aposematism (warning display).

Finished Work
50d20h ago
Other Work By @NosaneTryhard

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 13 May, 2024 @ 04:11 PM

A meme for a reaason. For a flightless bird, the fuselage sure is sleek. ;3

a type of insect that crawls in the snow

Curiouser and curiouser... HAV - Clark Kent

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