
Pofja's hair
Pofja's hair by @Gec3V (Gec)

okay so this one has quite the story.

i had (very 100% legit) after effects 2024 installed on my computer for a while. i was keeping it there in case i wanted to do something later on. and today i did.. i opened it up with a handy tutorial in the background and got to work [ morning hours --> around 10] all was going well until after effects just kept crashing whenever i opened the project.
>check file explorer
>116 mb of free space left
>oh no

the next hour was spent cleaning up. still didn't work afterwards
i tried SO MANY things, in the span of a few hours, to make it work somehow. then it started asking me to sign up to the free trial or something. i was getting pissed because what the hell is 4K liras a year?!?! geez!!! anyway i got the wonderful idea of installing an earlier version. it worked. but it doesn't end there! 

i make this. smooth sailing except for some lags, but it's no issue, at least it does it's job.. it's actually a lot simpler than i expected.

anyway the second worst horror came when it was time to export. after effects for some reason doesn't have the option to export as mp4. so i tried the other option which was AVI. i don't really know much about those file types but eh. let's give it a go. anyway this beast finishes rendering and i click on the file on my desktop. doesn't open. 

>come on man

at this point it's nearing 1 am (1:36 at the time of writing) and i try to render it again. it gives me a big red triangle and says 'not enought disk space'. 

>i got rid of 20 gigs a few hours back what is this about

>check files

>10 gigs of space left

i was very confused until i realized the AVI i exported was 10 gigabytes. 

so i just gave up and screen recorded the project and cropped it. then i turned it into a gif. here you go. i hope you like it.

Finished Work
18d13h ago
Other Work By @Gec3V

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 09 July, 2024 @ 01:55 AM

Whhaat is she exactly?

Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2024 @ 08:06 PM
Rating: 5

Looks great in spite of the setbacks. Hope things run smoother for you!

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