AV Salois

Alli's Freedom Speech
Alli's Freedom Speech by @avsalo (AV Salois)

The girl turning back to look is Royal Heir Leila'odrea Dai'dea Ra'amara Allistair of the Blue Mountains and the priestess that is trying to lead the ceremony is Acadia Morai Chryseis - yeah, anyone of importance on their planet has a pretty long name. This is the scene from the SPASOTM where Alli's says 'Forget this' and starts spouting stuff about freedom (which she learned about during her time on Earth). Because of this, she loses the respect of other planets, etc.

Rough / Concept
23y6d ago
Other Work By @avsalo

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 29 December, 2001 @ 11:35 PM

Honestly, that poor kid! All she wants to do, after coming to Earth, is grow up, date Hunter (hehe), and change her name to something normal, but the whole being a future political figure keeps getting in the way! Godo drawing, though! :D

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