B Sanders

Mercy -
Mercy - "Book" by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

Admitting Mercy of "Sinking Operational Starship". Since the story occurs on a 23rd century hospital ship, Mercy (yeah, you can tell how creative I am with names...) got dressed up in scrubs. Unlike those of the 21st century, her bottoms are held up with suspenders (not seen here) because of the syringe pockets and crash kit weighing them down. I was originally going to draw her wearing normal clothes underneath that jacket, but I felt putting her in scrubs would feel better. Although, I've got to admit, nurses' scrubs and an ambulance pilot's jacket make for a very strange character. I decided to take a few mental notes I made doing Mattie's background and adjust Mercy's background to contrast. Where as the former was a simple, grey corridor, Mercy was meant to appear as if she were in a hospital. The additional colors were supposed to give the hallway a more homely feel. After all, would you enjoy being in a hospital completely white or grey?

Finished Work
13y303d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
In These Portfolios

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