Dead Days 6/23/03 by @deaddays (John Rios)
Hey wonderful people! Here's a new Dead Days for you! Um, hope you enjoy it's grey goodness. I thought of this one a few weeks ago, but just couldn't get it to work, then devine intervention, um, interviened and it suddenly made sense. The panel layout worked, and it just flowed. Finished in a day, which is rare for a Dead Days. I usually put in a little work here, a little work there. You know. But when inspiration hits, you gotta hit back. HARD. Yeah. That should be a poster. What? Well, YOU THINK OF SOMETHING BETTER YOU ASS! Just kidding, you're not an ass. And I'm sure you could think of something better. Way better. Um, you can read the comic now. BYE! -John Artwork © Copyright 2003 John Rios
My god, He almost as much of a loser than me! Oo" I didn't even know that was possible. But if you have him visited by a Harry Potter character it might just even out...