Julie Ottosen

more awwwwww (in color!)
more awwwwww (in color!) by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Picture in color. Figured since I colored it, I should upload it here.

Just so ya'll know, in case no one reads comments from others.. the reason I haven't been uploading lately is cuz I was kinda in a slump and was depressed for the last few weeks. Only in the last couple of days have I really come out of it and started drawing again. I think I needed the break anyways. The other reason, is because I also have a deviantart account and I'm reserving that account for a lot of my none neo-pet related things, and also for more of my bestest drawings such as this one. Don't get me wrong, mesa loves the fans, but on DA I get constructive comments (sometimes) not just "yay! this is so good!" lol. But.. huggles to all meh friends and fans.

I'll still upload, just dun expect a daily submission..

Halle © Carmen Bugh 2003 Sai © ME! Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Finished Work
21y46d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (18)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 02:49 PM

I really like this picture. It shows a lot of passion - its nice. I like the background, with the water color effect. This picture really stands out from some of your others. I also admire the color blending and contrast. Keep up the great work Jules ^^;

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 02:49 PM

I really like this picture. It shows a lot of passion - its nice. I like the background, with the water color effect. This picture really stands out from some of your others. I also admire the color blending and contrast. Keep up the great work Jules ^^;

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 03:53 PM

Wow the expression in this picture is amazing. Man I love Sai. He's such a sweetie! I think that's so sweet that he asked before he would kiss her unlike some guys who will just go right after ya. o_O The coloring is awesome. I love the shimmer in her hair. Makes it look totally realistic. Question, did you paint the background or did you use a program?? If you did use a program, WOW. What did you do to get it to look like paint strokes? (if you didn't actually paint it :P ) Anyways, this piccy is wonderful. I hope we can give ya good comments too with the Devians!!! :)

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 06:01 PM

I used adobe photoshop for the entire picture. The background was done w/ first, filling the bg in w/ green color. Then, using the burn tool, I just made the shapes of trees, and used the dodge tool to make the light up that would shine between the tools. I then used the paintbrush too to add in more colors, like browns and the green of the pines. Then I used the smudge tool to blend it so it wasn't all as messy. THEN I used a filter: watercolor. And viola! Looks like water color! hehe. ^^ Now you know meh secret, ain't yeh happy? teehee. ^^;

Zanx for the nice comment.

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 04:01 PM

hum, just question, even though this is a great pics, why are their ears backward, aren't they like happy? or just ears like that?

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 05:58 PM

you don't know much about animal behavior do you? When ears are folded back like that that means a submissive or more gentle like attitude. When they're forward they're more playful and alert. The ears back like that show that they're both a little nervous and submissive towards one another. Since Sai hardly shows emotions, (smile, frown ect.) it can all be seen in his eyes and how he holds his ears. So there you have it.

Thanx for the comment

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 06:50 PM

AWWWW!!!! Julie!!!! big giant love filled hug I'm sorry you havent been doing well ;.; You can always talk to me whenever you need to ok? Don't hesatate!!!

This picture looks beautiful!!!! I LOVE how you color SO MUCH!!!! ITS AWSOME!!! They are so cute togeather... You made her look so beautiful! I LOVE her hair! It all looks so real... Wonderful work!

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 07:26 PM

Wowness....ok luv the pic Tho i do wonder why they are kissing in the field but i will leave that to rp land unless u want to explian (it mite just be u chose that background) I like his clothes i dunno if I have ever seen u do a hoodie before ish nice i have problems drawing hoodie and curly hair but that my problem...ok sry i did have something to tell u more bout the pciture besides i luv but i totally forgot cause mid-way writing this i had to go unload grocerys (too lazy to sp) Ok very nice if i remember the thing i iwll post again ^^

Posted: Saturday, 10 May, 2003 @ 12:12 PM

it's not a field, they're in the woods. And they're in the woods, because neither of them like the city that much. So they went for a walk. In case no one knows... Halle is a Gargoyle, she changes into one like every night and has killed ppl in the city, so she's not overly popular. Sai avoids the city as well, because he's afraid of killing ppl. He killed 5 ppl when he first met Halle, cuz he changed into his monster form and just went on a rampage. Course, they kinda deserved it, cuz they were there w/ their buds to beat Sai up.. like a gang.. so yeah.. now you know.

Posted: Friday, 09 May, 2003 @ 10:32 PM

Oh garsh Julie! This rocks! You did such a good job coloring it, it's just so 'wow'! Keep up the good work ^~

Posted: Saturday, 10 May, 2003 @ 08:59 PM

Wow..and I thought the sketch was amazing. This looks fantasic! I really love how you did the scales..they look so real. I think the girl is so pretty,her hair looks real. The expressions are too cute!

Posted: Sunday, 11 May, 2003 @ 09:43 AM

Awr... That's so cute, the affection they show to eachother. It's so sweet... The background is amazing, and the way you did her hair. All shimmery and stuff, I just want to like, touch it. How they both kind of 'suffer', really lets them relate, and like... like eachother. It's so cute, and they really are nice together, if not for Sai's funky hands, but it's cool all the same.

I'm sorry you were in a slump for a while or two, I'm glad you're okay now...

Posted: Sunday, 11 May, 2003 @ 11:26 PM

I know you dont HAVE to, but you've GOT to teach me to do hands. I've took art classes for parts, and I have feet and eyes okay, but not hands o.o can you help me maybe?

Posted: Tuesday, 13 May, 2003 @ 08:57 PM

How did I know that this would probably happen? lol. Grrr, I cant chuck silly string around in a titanium straight-jacket holding me, so I'll singasong! back off Ill take you on, head strong take on anyone...gets clobbered to shut up

Posted: Friday, 16 May, 2003 @ 07:26 PM

WHEEE! tackles Sai and Halle Awww... I always luff your backgrounds, Jules. The ones in all of my pics look like they're from badly graphiced (that... doesn't look like it's spelled right...) video games. Keep up the good work!

Yush, yush, canine's ears go back when they're happy or feel threatened. nods I watch my dog a lot, you know... Ears perk up when she sees a squirrel, go back when she glances at me (I assume from being happy oO), and so on and so forth. Okay... I've gotta go... throws Homestar and Strong Bad plooshies at everyone

Posted: Saturday, 24 May, 2003 @ 07:31 PM

I do like constructive critasim and it's well appreciated, and I'm not offended or angry, but some things do bug me when ppl keep repeating them. Lips, saying they're too large. Well, it's not real is it? No. It's my style and I prefer it like that. If I made her lips any smaller, then her muzzle would look unnatrually large, so I'd have to thin it,then it would look too thin. So in any case, I have to make them look larger for the look to be pulled off. And if you've ever read a comic book, lips are women are always fuller than they'd be on real women. There's nothing really wrong with it, and I'm a comic book artist, so that's how I draw. I'm not changing it cuz I dont' think there's anything wrong with it. As far as the scales to fur thing. I have tried to blend it, it's not possible. Fur to scales can't be blended without making it look stupid. So I just make the line. If you can do it, bravo to you, but I've tried it, and it just looks really stupid so I leave it like that. It's the only way I can pull it off, so that's how it's going to remain... shrug Besides, Sai usually never reveals his scales, always wearing gloves and turtle necks, so to even see his neck is unusual. But yeah... thanx still.

Posted: Friday, 23 May, 2003 @ 09:56 PM

Hey Julie nice picture ... i wish i couild have been more of a critic lol but it is a good picture i cant fight with that you are quite the artist ...we should rp Shi and Rein anthro i think XD

Posted: Monday, 07 July, 2003 @ 02:57 PM

Her lips look a little big, but it still looks good. What are the supossed to be? They're very...unique.

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