JC Robinson

Heehee I Suck!
Heehee I Suck! by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

Yes...yes I do. Well, hey everyone its been a while but here I am once again. This image was requested for me to draw (can you believe someone WANTED me to draw my OWN charactes?) by my biggest and only fan: Christine Z! YAY!!!!

Anyhow...I appologize to her SO much for the odd tilt of this picture...lemme just say...it was as if someone up there did NOT want this piccie complete. It scanned wrong, Adobe crapped out on me, my help ran off. @.@...but its here for you!

I'd like to also thank Lynne for her advice and Rach for her assistance...before she ran away. Thanks guys!

Finally, for those of you who don't know or can't tell, my characters starting from left to right (Heehee...I'm so American) First Row!:

Sarch is the girl sleeping on the blanket (yes, she does have a bottom to hat bathing suit except its being covered by--), Lyrt (Isn't he shexshay? Don't look at his legs too long or you may see how weird they are), followed by Valc with a widdle cwab-like thingy on his widdle finger, and Tome (Meh-heh! You like to see him get his come-up-ins don't ya Tome? Why do you look like a freaking ninja turtle?! Damn Adobe!) is pulling the cwaby thingy off him (I think I'll name it a cwab...so clever aren't I?), and Wuffy of course is eating a hot dog and snow-cone with his litte Irken armada shorts! BTW: His T-shirt actually says Beach Bum!

Next Row! =D! ::collective groan:: Shut up!:

Zim is in the irk-water being dunked by Mek and directly infront of Mek is Skirp who is chasing after Erg and of course, his trunks. Heehee...Erg you little devil. I had such a problem deciding whether or not to make her topless considering that I don't really think Irkens have breasts. I hate it when people give them breasts...damnitall. See I can rant here cause at this point...no one would bother to read this far...which is a shame cause you just missed me type the word poop. HAHAA! See what reading gets you? POOP!!!! HAHAHHAHA--o.o I have to get to bed earlier...¬.¬;
Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

Finished Work
21y354d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 05 July, 2002 @ 06:08 PM

Heh...what the h311 happened to Lyrt? He looks like he's only got one leg and his butt was split in half! I'm not trying to be mean-it's funny.

Posted: Friday, 05 July, 2002 @ 08:22 PM

I call this "Beach of Huzzahness!" 6.6; Someone else made up that word.. Anyway, me likee muchly! They so cute!! hugs Wuffy ^.^ I'm sorry, but Erg's head frightens me... 6.6;; backs away from Erg's scary head It is so big!! Like Dib's only green and a bit smaller... Back on the subject! I love da pic! More! I demand more of these guys!

Heehee! Cwab...

Posted: Tuesday, 09 July, 2002 @ 10:46 PM

JC, Great Pic! (Neck stuck at weird angle...) I'll just write the angle thing off to the pic being taken from a passing speedboat, driven by Dib! (Darn Alien hunters... ^.^ )

I don't seen anyone looking like a Ninja Turtle... Anyways, Great Piccie! Keep up the good work! I wanna see more!

Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2002 @ 02:56 PM

Lookit how I never comment on anything! Okay well anyways.. I still like the angle ^.^ It looks kewl! Only.. Irkens at the beach? o.o; I never ever thought about that before.. but.. water.. Irkens..

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