JC Robinson

MR. PEEBULS!!!!!!!
MR. PEEBULS!!!!!!! by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

Wook at his Fooby widdle face!! =D=D=D!! This is Mr. Peebuls...the ferret that lives in the cupboards at Zim's house! No...no you wouldn't get it. It's an RP thing 6.6; But isn't he just fuzzy-wuzy adorable? I can not BELIEVE Zim kicked him! =O Artwork © Copyright 2002 JC Robinson

Finished Work
21y329d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2002 @ 02:47 PM

Awwww! Lookit cute fuzzy Mr. Peebuls.. he stuck his head in my mouth while I was asleep O.o And yes Zim is mean to kick him.. 6.6 Mr. Peebuls never hurt anybody! Zim called him a weasel, too.. you know I'm getting awful sick of his.. Soldier-ness.. he has no compassion for anyone or anything.. 6.6 He is a mean Zim..

Posted: Sunday, 14 July, 2002 @ 07:38 PM

I like ferrets ^.^ Really, great job! Oh, and as for Zim... well, never mind, he always does that... wait till he sees a squirrel, JC.

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