B Sanders

Veldos "Pledge" by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

This is Veldos from my "Alatian Chronicles". As far as he knows, he is the last of a race called the Bashra. Hence why he's standing in a poorly-sketched graveyard (I'm just bad with backgrounds). He's a type of swordsman, but you only see one of his swords when he swings it at you, making him one of my particularly deadly characters.

Finished Work
14y36d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination
In These Portfolios

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 18 March, 2010 @ 07:07 PM

I'm just wondering about the grave markers - do they necessarily have to be crosses? I always thought cross-shaped markers had connections with Christianity, and as far as I know, that religion doesn't exist in the Alatian world. Just a thought.

Posted: Friday, 19 March, 2010 @ 12:09 AM

[quote="phoenixascending"]I'm just wondering about the grave markers - do they necessarily have to be crosses? I always thought cross-shaped markers had connections with Christianity, and as far as I know, that religion doesn't exist in the Alatian world. Just a thought.[/quote]

I was just looking for something that looked like an obvious, improvised grave marker than a simple large stick or a rock.

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