Samantha Nowinski

Roleplay Sketches
Roleplay Sketches by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

These sketches (almost all of them) are from the roleplays I do with Inori Maxwell and Invader Miraza. So, if you two are looking at this picture, this is a page dedicated to the roleplays. Now where to start on who is who...?

Well, I'll start with the full sketched Irken lady in the middle: that's Meg from Inori Maxwell's roleplay, who is married to her fan character Rem (Doctor Stupid lol). The guy wearing the "Good Boy" shirt and crying is Zei, who is in both in their roleplays, but with the Miraza roleplay, Zei was first created, and it is the first one he's been turned good in! Bravo! Zei, in Nori's roleplay, is married to Chris's (Nori) fan character Inori Maxwell, and the two of them have two sons: Aaron (the trouble maker), and Tako (the little "genius" in the family). And..hee, well, the Irken next to Zei won't be hard to guess (take a look at the Irken with the mallot below, getting in trouble with the bat long story--lol, guess who THAT is, Miz!). Just above that picture below is Tal's dog Blinkie and a very weird drawing of Chuba (Tai's pet) from Miz's roleplay. I like Chuba^^...anyway, the Irken with the thin eyes with the scar over here eye to the side is someone at random..and below her is an Irken scientist (possibly a future character maybe?). Oh, and that small Irken in the middle? I was doing a quick sketch of Xio from Miz's roleplay, but that's not the rough drawing of him (just something small I did). The two humans are..uh..just there for some reason.

Phew..well, that's it, people!! I'll try doing some more later!! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Rough / Concept
21y319d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Friday, 09 August, 2002 @ 06:31 PM

Ah yes. Even when we're not Rpg'in we still make fun of Rem!!

Rem: GAH!! WHY MUST I BE SO....MADE FUN OF?? ::sweatdrops:: what a loser he is..anyways. As I push Rem aside and sit on him, I need to say this: EXCELLENT JOB!! ^_^

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 06:03 PM

This post is pretty neat. There's all these different characters scattered all over the page doing .. stuff. Very interesting to look at. Much, indeed.

Another real good thing about this is that I get a lil' peep show of what your serious roleplays with others are like. Maybe when I get a computer for all-day, unlimited use again, we could start doing a few of our own. =) Of course, our traditional humor rps is a must-stay.

Anyhow, getting back to the masterpiece, I think ya should continue doing these 'gatherings', group shots or whatever ya want ta call 'em. Not only does filling the whole page gives the piece a sense of dedication (sp?) to it and make it quite impressive, but it's simply darn good practice. It'll help you with arranging things and people around a scene and it helps ya vary the different sizes ya draw in and possibly overlapping. Excellent job, Sam.

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