Samantha Nowinski

Roleplay Sketches 2
Roleplay Sketches 2 by @KarmaSlave (Samantha Nowinski)

This page of sketches is all from Inori Maxwell's roleplay. From the first time that Zei's came to the roleplay to the point we're at now. Well, I couldn't fit anymore scenes, so I'll draw some more later (when I learn to draw Rem, Nori's character, in Irken form, I'll draw him glaring at Gray..HAHAHAHA!).

The first description I'll start with is the first person I drew--Zei, the Irken holding the laser-gun looking weapon. That thing on his head is related to what Tak wears..here's my version of that little..thing. When he first came, he had that connected to his head to keep the disease he has under control. That tiny Irken by him's probably Zei A or Zei B (lol, like Washu A and B), and they always diss him for some odd reason. Second, the Irken girl holding the knife. I like her..but she looks all mad and stuff. HAH!! Poor Zei with his messed up antennaes (and his eyes look weird)! JIR looks scared and stuff. Por's at the other side of the paper, by the Zei drawing, waving. Above her is a picture of Princess Ah-Cy, fiance of Tallest Gray (but seems she has an eye on Tallest Purry now..). And finally, Tallest Gray's flirting with Meg (who happens to be Dr. Stupid's wife). And yes, Rem did have a small revenge--when Gray broke his arm. ^^...that human girl? I have no idea who that is. I just drew her because I'm bored.

That's it!! Look out for more Roleplay Sketches! :) hehehe..^^;; Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Nowinski

Teen (LO)
Rough / Concept
21y318d ago
Other Work By @KarmaSlave

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Saturday, 10 August, 2002 @ 09:06 PM

Lmao!! I love that Mr. Roger's quote!! that was pure genius!! And poor Zei...getting picked on by his little drone things...^^;

Posted: Sunday, 11 August, 2002 @ 11:09 PM

Wa-ha...that Gray guy reminds me of Red. ^^

Posted: Monday, 12 August, 2002 @ 06:39 PM

First off, I would like ta say I love how what's-her-name looks up in the upper left hand corner. She's so prettiful. ^^ Gray has a bit of detail thrown into his suit, wouldn't ya say? Neither does Tallest Red nor Purple have anything like that. I like it. :)

But how could ya treat a SIR Unit so cruely? No Mister Rogers? I don't like Rogers, personally, but how could ya take away what rocks its boat. lol

Getting serious, yet another fantastic job in this piece. With your rise in progression here, ya made me realize I need ta start back drawing. Otherwise, your gonna pass me up, if ya haven't already. Ya already have in numbers. Hopefully, I can catch up to ya by .. next month maybe, if ya quit posting. ^^; Man, have I gotten lazy. Don't let me hold ya back, though. Lets see more pics.

Posted: Wednesday, 14 August, 2002 @ 08:01 PM

LOL!! Tallest Gray is now up in my favorites along with Zei and Tal for his kinky little comment. Why do I always like the dirty ones? Anyways, as usual... ZEI'S CYUUUTE! His eyes look fine, and the antenae.. well, a little small at the top but, shrugs he still looks yummy ^_~ Ah-Cy looks pretty, and I lub the Irken gurly with the knife. Gray does kinda remind me of Red, too. Anyways... sorry it took me so long to send in some comments on your artwork ^^;;

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