Hayley Price

'Brown-Eyed Cat'
'Brown-Eyed Cat' by @catrine (Hayley Price)

This is my first drawing of Rek/Brown-Eyed Cat. She'd been buzzing around in my head for so long I had to try and draw her. She was supposed to be a bit more fluffy and simple-looking, but I'm pleased with this result.

Anyway. Backstory. Approx 95% of Rek's species are complete idiots. Not like drooling idiots, but like BARELY SELF AWARE idiots. It's a species with INCREDIBLE coping power, adaptation skills and immense itellectual potential, but they ended up living in an environment so harmless and fruitful that they don't need to use any of these skills at all. The cat in the bottom corner is display normal feline-alien thought processes, which in text would be represented as: 'Item: Rock Yes/No?' Those feline-alien things (they don't have a name yet) that, through unusual circumstances, actually find an occasion to rub two brain cells together and BECOME intelligent, had banded together to form a government of sorts, to keep the rest of their species from dying by, say, walking off a cliff. In the company of other intellectuals, this group actual became technology-grade smart.

Basically, Rek's whole story came about with what she has come to think of as three strokes of extreme luck and two strokes of extreme genius.

The first stroke of luck was actually learning about Operation Impending Doom. The second was getting Rek to the Irken Homeworld at all. Rek was sent to infiltrate, learn everything she could about Impending Doom, and try to save their planet using sabotage. The two strokes of genius were the extreme anout of hacking that allowed Rek to slip in as an Irken at all (because of Zim's 'Unfeeling Metal Arm' flashback, I assume Irkens are kept track of since birth), and her flawless Irken body suit, which never broke, and which she never outgrew. She was there for several years, and recieved full Invader training. The third stroke of luck, and the best one, was that she ended up assigned to her own planet. So she just crashed, sent out an elaborate distress call, then adapted the Irken technology to set up a bunch of sattilites that create a feild the Irken Armada can't get through. And what with the disaster that Impending Doom turned out to be, no one really discovered that she was never Irken in the first place.

Their planet was not targeted for opertaion Impending Doom 2.

It's pretty amazing that Rek didn't just let herself get swept into the who 'Taking over the Universe' thing and remain an Irken, but she had juuust enough distance from the whole thing to notice how stupid the idea of a parkade planet was.

She kept the spiderlegs.

This is a very abbreviated version of her backstory. If I had the patience, I'd write it as a fanfic.

21y343d ago
Other Work By @catrine

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 06 August, 2002 @ 06:40 PM

hi hayley. i like the invader zim stuff. it's cool. and i like all the other stuff too. it's cool. yeah.

anyway, the creator and copyright owner guy is jhonen vasquez. seemed like you wanted to know.


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