Julie Ottosen

Rain storms are so nice...
Rain storms are so nice... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

hehehehe. This is my char Kay and his gf Cat, when they first met. They went back to her place cuz there was a rain storm, and then the power went out, and like.. yeah.. hehe. They started making out. The only light provided was the lamp thing (camping like lamp) on the coffee table (which is off the picture). Mehehe.. I like how I did this one, cuz I was playing with more hues and darkness, how the colors change in the dark. I think I pulled it off kinda.. lol!

Ain't they a cool couple? hehe.

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Teen (O)
Finished Work
21y201d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 19 November, 2002 @ 12:10 AM

Ooooooohhh, tis prettyful!! You did a nice job on it!! Yes, I think you pulled off the whole night scene thing, with the diff hues and everything. Smiles Her hair's a little wild, but definately cool. I like the couch!! I LOVE GREEN!!! Blinks The lightning bolt's lookin a little like a picture rather then outside, but it's probably better then what I could do. Great job Julie and keep up the awesome art!!

Posted: Tuesday, 19 November, 2002 @ 08:21 AM

Squee!! Julie-chan ish so kawaii! ^^ ah luffle the colouring ^^ and her hair looks awesome XD oh yea, for those who are cunfuzzled, she has blonde hair with random colour streaks everywhere X) lol, she dun give whut other people say so she decided to just...well, do it X) ah think it looks awesome! and the pic is amazing as usual Jules! ^^

Posted: Tuesday, 19 November, 2002 @ 09:23 PM

squeals I was wondering if yew were gonna color thish piccie... it looks very cool! The sketchy version is good, but this is better! Good work

Posted: Monday, 09 December, 2002 @ 04:21 PM

Hey great job.... I've seen ya comic on Neopets (awesome)

Just one thing ta say bout this pic... AWESOME HAIR!!!! Lol and I luff da lighting and the wings and the everything! squeals Ok dats more than one thing but hey.. ^_^

Posted: Monday, 09 December, 2002 @ 05:34 PM

are you sure there JUST making out? looks like there about to have sex to me......0.o''' lovettly pic!(btw I'm tha' yorshire talking peopl')

Posted: Sunday, 15 December, 2002 @ 06:23 PM
Wild: Oh wow Oasis/Julie! Reminds me of Nularory and Hunter, Nularory is my pet and Hunters her mate...

Mewy: O.O MY WANNA PICCIE -blushes- heh heh ^^' enyway, I LOVE your art!

Wild:The male looks so hot O.O freaky...

Mewy:You draw so realistic!

Wild:Hey! That was my line...oh well, ill take yours ^-^ thats amazing, id do you a pic, but I dont have a scanner -_-'

Mewy: ...

Posted: Friday, 27 December, 2002 @ 09:36 AM

I liked the sketch,but the coloured version is just amazin!I luv Cat's hair!It's all rainbow-y and purtyfull!The do make a good couple.Keep up the good work Julie!

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