Anne E. Gipple

Duma Portrait
Duma Portrait by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Fav drawing of Duma to date. I got a new Wacom tablet for my birthday, and this was the first pic I colored with it on Photoshop. It's just a digitally painted pencil sketch, so the lines are.. well.. sketchy.

I really should upload the other two main characters from Duma's story, an unnamed white bengal tigress and male cougar. The story is so far sort of Animal Farm meets Les Miserables. But with a brighter mood and no communist pigs.

Finished Work
22y294d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 09 September, 2001 @ 01:46 AM

Doesn't look sketchy to me! Love the lighting effects and composition. It's like a really nice studio portrait. Her face is really pretty -- I think it's those deep eyes. Aw, no Communist Pigs? But I liked them!

my art: www.side7.com/art/daniwill

Posted: Saturday, 15 September, 2001 @ 05:06 PM

whiiiine I want a WACOM. But they probably wouldn't even work on my crappy old computer. :P Anyway, great pic! The lines don't look sketchy to me, they just look kinda softer.. less cartoony. KUTGW ^_^

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