Anne E. Gipple

Why? by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Bad moods inspire sad pix. And this one took way too much time. I was in a good mood again by the time I finished it.

Pondering the story I wrote for my senior project and going a little more in depth with it.

I figure that being the goddess of everything fun and enjoyable about being alive would leave one with little experience with death and destruction. Bast is confused and saddened when Sekhmet and Seth lay waste to Egypt. Anubis, who has a little more experience with dead things, tries to console her.

This didnt happen in the children's version.

Finished Work
22y299d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Monday, 10 September, 2001 @ 04:49 AM

Do you have the story itself written? I love reading anything about Egyptian mythology, especially fiction.

Okay I'll stop harassing you now! ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 14 February, 2009 @ 04:12 AM

Only problem I have with that is that Bastet and Sekhmet are the same goddess in different forms. After Ra tricked Sekhmet into drinking wine rather than blood, she lay on the banks of the Nile and thus was Bastet born from her happiness. And Bastet was known for causing a lot of mayhem and destruction in Egypt, especially as she was known as the "fierce and merciless defender of the pharoh." Otherwise, I love this picture, it's really cool. I like how you made Bast gold rather than black like so many people do. Really neat.

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