Raptorfoot: The Aliens, part 1 (Part 1)
Raptorfoot: The Aliens, part 1 (Part 1) by @Agondray

Raptorfoot and Rex are helping Desiree with a photography project, so they’ve decided to photograph the local wildlife. Jeez Rex, you need to chill!

This comic was the first part of what was originally going to be a short series involving alien dinosaurs. I was working on the second part, but I never finished it. So the rest of ‘The Aliens’ story will probably never see the light of day. I also lost track of which comics were in the order I made them at this point, but I do believe this is the fifth overall Raptorfoot comic I’ve made.

I know it’s a littlest disappointing to hear what became of ‘The Aliens’, but I hope you enjoy this particular comic regardless.

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