Lissa B. Treiman

tango! by @LissaBT (Lissa B. Treiman)

just got back from my trip to Vancouver... my parents and i drove there from here in Southern California... oy, there's nothing to drive one insane quite like spending a straight week on the road with your parents..

but i digress.. here is one of the less crappy products of my insanity. 14 tango-ing with her mongoose Mr. Tickles... for some reason, i've drawn 14 here in an outfit belonging to my friend Jojo... it seemed to fit somehow...

(red graphing lead, micron, Photoshop 6) Artwork © Copyright 2002 Lissa B. Treiman

Finished Work
22y55d ago
Other Work By @LissaBT

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 15 July, 2002 @ 03:48 PM

One of the most amusing pictures I've seen in a long time. Well done :)

Posted: Saturday, 20 July, 2002 @ 06:29 AM

Her shirt is oranger than that! ORANGER I say! My new word for the day! Spiffy, tho. I shall poke Jojo incessantly until she sees it and thanks you profusely.

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