Julie Ottosen

now you know
now you know by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

Someone had suggested before of a picture of Sai's whole body.... heh, well, here it is! I think it looks alright... >.o Can't tell, kinda weird looking... does it look like scales? Hmm..

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Teen (N)
Finished Work
21y169d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (19)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 08:19 PM

Walks by page looks up and a trips over shoe laces What the...... stands up and is shocked by image faints

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 08:22 PM

Wow.......I luv the expresions and the backround.Amazin.In my opion the scales kinda look like stained glass tile thingies,but it dosn't ruin the pic at all!Hey,I'm the leaver of da first comment!dances around

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 11:09 PM

Awwww... his expression is so... wow. He seems so alone Huggles Sai Personally, meh think he's cute. But.. ya know, I just have a thing for reptiles Shrugs, laughing slightly His expression is great, Julie. You really caught it well. His scales.... they looks a little like tiles in a way, but still very good ^^ His face is definately the best part of the picture though. There's so much emotion passing through his, it's unreal ^^ Very nice Julie.

Posted: Friday, 17 January, 2003 @ 11:29 PM

Oh my god... This picture is breathtaking... His face... Theres so much emotion... He's so cute. Awww, he seems so alone :( But this pic. is beautiful, the emotion is amazing. I like the way the scales turned out too. :) wonderful work

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 12:29 AM

OOOOO! THIS TIS SO GOOD! =D I just wanna hug him^^ He'd probubly feel like meh snake choppers ^^;; Yes I am obesed with scaly things o.O;; I haff a guy on one of my very old accounts, and he tis part snake XD I never wanted to color him though >_> I should haff left all the scales for later ^^;; anyway GREAT PICCAH OASIS^^

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 09:58 AM

aw huggles he's nice, how could someone not like him? huggles again ace picture, scales kinda look like scales... BG rox, derry derry nice. What font it that? its rocking too :)

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 12:18 PM

I know.... it is a stain glass fliter that I used for the scales. If there was a filter labled "scales" I'd use that... lol. Or, if I had a better Adobe Photoshop I could probably create my own filter, but I don't know if I can do that... ANYways. thanx. I might redo his scales again, cuz they look a little funky to me...

Oh, and the font is called "roughedge" ^^

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 12:17 PM

poor guy, no wonder he feels so alone, i love him. didnt realise his hands were like that too, it looks really strange, from fur straight to scales, mayb it wud lok better more kind of merging down his neck to his chest and back if u no wot i mean, but i still think its one of the best youve ever done julie, great feel to it, his eyes say everything and you dont need the rest of his face to see the emotion, the way hes all curled up is enough, he needs someone to hold him

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 02:04 PM

Meh... I wanted his entire body to be scales, that's why he covers up so much, the only part of him that you can see normally that's scaled, is his tail, but he usually tries his best to keep that out of sight as well. But yeah, like I said, I might redo his scales and such.. we'll see.

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 02:09 PM

trots in draggin her link plooshie "Coonoolies Julies! Heh that rhymes.....but wow he seems like hes alone, and even embarrased of his mutation. And I like the scale slash filter......thing. oO and the muscles! the Mucsles! wooo!!!! id be showing them babys off! but thas just me...ferry original

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 03:59 PM

aw he looks so sad!::runs over to sai and hugs him:: wait...how did i get in my computer?how am i hugging a drawing?dun dun dunnnnn....oh well ::huggles him:: it looks sooooo gret julie!it looks so realistic!

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 04:07 PM
Bri: *cries* he looks so sad!
Brigit: ........... * is silent then walks off (She isn't really... 'living')(CUTE!! I lurve it!)
Lori: Awwwww.... Um....... * doesn't know how to react*
Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 09:51 PM

Whoa....drools" lerr!!! {my word for likeyness} he lookies so sad...i lurve his facial expression...keep up lots of good work...Yay i getting scanner next week...{finally eh...} i need to scan 120 plicitures...But back to the point I lurve this pic clicks save and prints then tapes to forehead and runs around like an idiot until a fire lupe comes up and bites mesa Ow...Skid saays it lookiess really really really really good too....

Posted: Saturday, 18 January, 2003 @ 11:52 PM

Aw, he looks so sad... sits down beside Sai, patting his back It's ok buddy, it dont matter what u look like, people love you!! Poor guy... this piccie is awesome, the colours of his fur and scales contradict each other in a way that makes it fit. and the stained glass effect for his scales worked perfectly. dont redo his scales, they look perfect the way they are ^^

Posted: Sunday, 19 January, 2003 @ 03:50 PM

wow... who'd a thunk it... looks very kewl, tho, all scalie-like... uh, ill shut up now...

Posted: Tuesday, 21 January, 2003 @ 01:05 PM

Is this supposed to be a lupe inna mutant teco's body? I dunno.. I love it though!!!

Posted: Saturday, 25 January, 2003 @ 08:33 PM

whoa! Totally kewl. He's so...how to say it...he looks like he's seen a lot. GREAT!

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 07:27 PM

I just HAD to comment again...........It's SOOOOOOOOOO good!I like how the fur of his head blends into scales of his body........

Just one little thing though,why did you rate it 'T' if scales are covering his body,on the Side7 rules it says 'E' is ok for body covered with fur,scales,or feathers.Oh well......Call me stupid if ya want ~Riyokku(Ri)

Posted: Thursday, 06 February, 2003 @ 11:37 PM

Okay, you're stupid. LOL Just kidding. Anyways.. I rated it T cuz he's er.. nude like.. >> Even with the scales, side7 may not care, but I myself do, cuz many kids come to my site and I just want to make sure I don't offend any of them, or anything.. but it shouldn't matter.. XD lol! But yeah.. oh well.

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