Rebecca Mason

Marrah Gucchi.
Marrah Gucchi. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

and now..introducing another character of my undrawn manga..Marrah Gucchi, Marrah is pretty much your everyday run of the mill junior high school girl..except she thinks fashion and make up is boring and that she's too young for a boyfriend, Marrah is a hyper, fun loving and kind young girl who loves to listen to stories from the past, her favourite one is about the Legendary Samurai Warrior woman who protected her home village from evil dragon invaders and other evil things, what excites Marrah more..is the fact that Crimson's home village is the city that Marrah lives in now so Marrah is sometimes day dreaming about how the place must've looked back in the day of Crimson Blade..and one day while on a walk in the old rural part of the city, Marrah is surprised to actually find Crimson alive and well and standing beside an old cherry blossom tree, Marrah doesn't hesitate in going to meet this Legend but Crimson is incredibly shy and doesn't talk much but despite that Marrah never gives up in trying to befriend Crimson and soon Crimson becomes a good friend to young Marrah and looks out for her too. Note: Marrah is 14 years old and short for her age....that's why she looks around 8 ^_^;; Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
21y120d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 08:59 AM

I love her!!! I was just wondering what she was like. Lucky I clicked on your last ten uploads or i would have missed it. She's just so cute!!! I love her character. She's also pretty!

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