Rebecca Mason

Crimson Blade....the Legendary Woman Samurai.
Crimson Blade....the Legendary Woman Samurai. by @Rebecca (Rebecca Mason)

er yeah..well when I went shopping with Charlotte and Bryony on Saturday..we went into a comic shop (which sold mangas and other sci fi stuff) ..and well..for some reason..I got an urge to draw my own manga..granted..with how I've been feeling lately (major depressed..again --) I don't think I'll ever draw it..so um..here's just a taster of what I was planning to do....this is Crimson Blade..she's a legendary woman samurai, not much is known about her since her past is shrouded in mystery, the only thing people know..is that she's supposedly over 1000 years old..although if she is, she doesn't look a day over 20 ^^; Crimson got her name because it is said her sword's blade used to shine with the blood of her victims..but looking at her from here you wouldn't think she could be capable of harming anyone..(why does this sound like Vash?) Crimson is also a hero (or heroine since she's a girl) of the young Marrah Gucchi who has grown up listening to stories of Crimson and how she protected her village (which is now a city) and when Marrah finds Crimson she is constantly asking her questions and looking up to her, Crimson is actually a shy and quiet person..so when she first meets Marrah she's freaked out since the kid never leaves her alone..yet as days pass Crimson suddenly discovers this child is the only friend she's ever had and begins to brighten up a little bit. Artwork © Copyright 2003 Rebecca Mason

Finished Work
21y120d ago
Other Work By @Rebecca

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 17 March, 2003 @ 08:55 AM

she's sooo pretty. I really adore her already. I love her name and that dress she's wearing is really pretty and her story is just too cool. I wish the story could be done. It sounds really interesting.

Posted: Tuesday, 18 March, 2003 @ 03:51 AM

Hey wicked cool, buddy! She's kewl! Do more pwease!!! ^.~

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