Julie Ottosen

a moment..
a moment.. by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

heh, lookit! A sequential! I haven't done one o' these in awhile. ^^; Anyways, this is Vincent and my friends Ignis. Okay, so I'll give you some background: Ignis was a 'guinea-pig' for this lab. They did all these experiments on her. They figured it wouldn't matter cuz she was almost dead anyways, but she ended up waking up, and was able to escape, but not before killing a bunch of the scientists. At some point she met Vincent (twas awhile ago so I don't really remember...) anyways, he's helped her with things a lot and saved her from this lab just recently. Vincent cares for Ignis alot, dispite of what she looks like (those scientist really like to mudilate her). Anyways, so just before this scene, she had been injected with this stuff that made her unique nervous system go hay-wire, and these things that are apart of her that look like veins (but stronger and sharper) were shooting out of her body and tearing it up. Vincent stayed with her as it happened. Then when she patched herself up with some skins, he had asked her what made her decide she wanted to keep living (cuz for the longest time she wanted to die) and... this is the convo they had... (well, it might not be exact, I wrote the dialouge from memory). >>;;

So anyways.. there you are. ^^;

Ignis © Leslie Irene Artwork © Copyright 2003 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y94d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (13)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 12:18 AM

awwwww.... -hugs Vincent- your sooo sweet.... -smiles happily- YAY... -backs away, shifty eyes- I love it Julie... its great..... ^^ I love it when you do sequentials.. oO Keep up the great work....... -hugs Vincent again-

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 02:20 AM

Better be careful there... Leslie tried to hug Vincent and Ignis tore her arms off. XD;;

heh, glad you like, and yes, Vincent is a sweetie.

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 12:23 AM

Poor Iggy. Its a good "moment".

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 01:37 AM

OMG huggles julie Me love this! hehe, me like the expressions. And you made ignis look creepy! ((that's a good thing )) That was a funny rp scene, though I think someone is back to her old self points to ignis who is banging her head into a wall

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 02:18 AM

lol!!! ^^; Yesh, poor Ignis... she needs to get over that... koff like that'll happen.. koff anyways... glad ye likes. I was quite happy with how she turned out in the first panel -nod nod- You'll like the piccy of her then I think. It's turning out so far so good, just gotta get all the stuff correct. XD;; Anyways.. heh, wonder what will happen now eh? >>;

Posted: Wednesday, 19 March, 2003 @ 03:10 AM

wow i thpoguht vincent is in the land of ice...well he mite still be..i should check..but i guess even if he is u still rp him or draw him cause ish fun =D...nice pickey..keep it up!

Posted: Thursday, 20 March, 2003 @ 09:07 PM

AWWWW!!! ^^ how cute!!! I LOVE VINCENT!!!! I command you to draw him moooreeeee!!!! XD!!! runs up and huggles him ^^ I Lub yew!!! Julie, this is so cute! GREAT jorb! runs off dragging Vincent along with her ^.^

Posted: Friday, 21 March, 2003 @ 09:03 PM

Vince looks soo hot. :D Ignis ish purdy in the last scene... ^^ They make a cute couple.. noh? :D hehe

Posted: Saturday, 22 March, 2003 @ 12:11 PM

heh, I don't know about cute.. odd yes, -cute- might be stretching it. ^^; But I am happy... took long time for anything like this to happen.

Posted: Monday, 24 March, 2003 @ 12:47 AM

Nooooooo!!!!! They can't be together!!! Vincent is a sweetie and a hottie and he seems really Nice! IgnisLuna is Evil and mean and she looks like she got in a fight with a lawn mower!! She'll probly just kill him or something one day anyway!!

Posted: Monday, 24 March, 2003 @ 12:50 AM

Am sorry bout it taking so long for her to finally warm up to him, but Like i said, she's really had her mind messed up and she's quite paranoid. I dun think they're much of a 'cute' couple, just a weird one (( hehe, and if ya go by how ignis thinks, vincent should have been considered an enemy ))

Posted: Wednesday, 26 March, 2003 @ 10:22 PM

Oh come on Lucy, u know Vincent AND Igneous both kick @$$ :) This pic is so sweet. I luv it!

Posted: Monday, 07 April, 2003 @ 01:44 PM

Bah, why didn't I comment on this before? ^^;

Well.. I LURVE IT! I luff it when you do these sequentials, it's fun to read =P Anyshmee... It's great, and a great moment too. Ignis seems really happy, that's good, cuz her past-life really got to her.. Awesome pic(s) Julie, keep up the great work. (I just realized I say that last sentance on every comment I make of your pic XD)

And just some thought to "Lucy".. Ignis isn't mean, she just is a bit cold towards the people she doesn't know. And she will NOT kill Vincent, and the looks don't count about her, first learn about her past, and don't post a rude comment like that, it doesn't make you popular <<;

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