@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: Second. It took me literal years before I could draw even my core cast to anything resembling consistency, longer still before I didn't need to go back for reference cues. Practice, as they say, makes perfect: it's like "zoom in and enhance" but without destroying the laws of physics. :p
Finished Work
1y47d ago
Comments & Critiques (6)
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Posted: Friday, 06 October, 2023 @ 09:52 PM
@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: Nothing, I was affirming (seconding) with personal anecdote.
Posted: Tuesday, 10 October, 2023 @ 06:41 PM
@The-Wizard-of-Zaar: Thank you... You are absolutely right Q_Q
Yeh but that's not always a bad thing early on.
I think the more you draw him, you'll come up with a collection of features that you'll narrow down as HIM.
Hard for me to explain, but sometimes you'll start out with things that are definitely defining, cemented characteristics... Over time you start to pin down all the things you didn't think much of or weren't set on?
This recent style and subject of art you've been doing feels very thoughtful, heartfelt and meaningful to you.
Definitely think you should stick with this, even if you do other things on the side here and there. This might be something to commit to long term.
Best of luck.