Julie Ottosen

Aww... so sweet...
Aww... so sweet... by @odduckoasis (Julie Ottosen)

This is a sketch I did of Sinaeril and my friends lupe Doyle, after a very cool rp. Aww.. I was wondering if anyone would want to.. well, get with Sinaeril... I was beginning to think no one liked her... sniff She's one of my fave characters. XD

Anyways, um, if you want to know more about Doyle, look up my friend Carmen Bugh here on side7. (many say that her pics look like mine, and although she had used some of my pictures for reference, she does not copy from me and her style is all her own, so dun give her any crap or I will hunt you down and kick your sorry @$$ XP)

So yeah.. anyways, this is one of my fav piccys.. so far. ^^

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Julie Young

Rough / Concept
21y269d ago
Other Work By @odduckoasis

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 25 September, 2002 @ 11:22 PM

Blinks Wow, you did a good sketch of the rp, lol. It looks GREAT!!! Keep up the awesome art!! Of course Doyle likes her, lol. They're a lot alike in a lot of different ways. She accually understands him!! Not very many women understand a guy like Doyle, hehehe. Anyway, good job, and I can't wait to see it colored!

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 10:58 PM

0.0 THIS TIS REALY GOOD!!Ü I luv all ur art:)

Posted: Wednesday, 27 November, 2002 @ 08:56 PM

o0o0! WOW! This is really good!! I love the way you draw! U R The best Julie!

Posted: Sunday, 16 March, 2003 @ 02:58 AM

Doyle takes Sinaeril icecube and sets it in front of his fireplace, waiting for her to melt out of it

OCC: Blinks Okay... Oo" Nice picture, once again. I love it ^^ Maybe I should color it for you, lol. Ya know... you still have to color one of mine Oo" Anywho... yeah... I like lots ^^;;;

Posted: Sunday, 16 March, 2003 @ 09:58 PM

hehe... I'm still in debate if I want to recreate Sinaeril.. I dun like recreating adopted pets, but she was one of my faves... my firstest anthro char too.. ;_; sniff

You can color if you want to Carm. ^^; I know I still hafta color one of yours like I said I would... heh. halo I will.. eventually.. lol.

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