B Sanders

Junicorn 2022 #1 - Red
Junicorn 2022 #1 - Red by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

"It is said on Earth that the cost of freedom is constant vigilance. None other than the red unicorns understand this concept the best. Natural desert dwellers, they have to keep their eyes open in the ever-shifting dunes for sandstorms, poisonous arachnids, and human nomads. The last of these is especially dangerous, as humans have constantly sought the red unicorns' horns, believing them to be a source of power or control over the desert winds. The red unicorns have never been able to hide well among the dunes, but, where there is heat and dryness, there is always a mirage, and red unicorns have taken advantage of the delusional effects of the desert to hide themselves in plain sight. It is said that those who seek the unicorn but will not harm it will be brought to an oasis to relieve them of their struggle. However, just as easy as they are to spot, these unicorns can just as easily disappear from sight, their hooves used to the unstable sands around them."

Not really one of my best pieces, but I at least managed to buckle down and put it together. If I had a little more time (and probably a little more information on horse anatomy), I could have probably cracked out something a little more detailed. I just at least wanted to put something together.

Finished Work
1y329d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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