Megan Casey

Lt.Commander Swordtooth Silentknife of the Sea Wrath
Lt.Commander Swordtooth Silentknife of the Sea Wrath by @paradox (Megan Casey)

^_^ to be formal, that is. She's othawyz known as Swordy, or Swordz...among other things...

I just drew this a couple days ago, I still have to colour it.

btw - she's a wearet. half weasel, half ferret. I play her at INSU, at the chat, or "Tavern".

22y123d ago
Other Work By @paradox

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Monday, 01 April, 2002 @ 12:36 PM

O.- I like her eyes. Very deep. Face is good, too! Ooooh. So /dat's/ what she looks like... An' I was imagining something /evil./

Posted: Monday, 01 April, 2002 @ 06:41 PM

Bwee...heh, shurrap...Swordy's a Sad-Swordz in that pic...nods I didn' draw her inna long time, 'cuz I could never get the eyes right...even there, her left eye is a bit messed...her nose is a little off, an' 'm not too proud of the forearms...if you didn't notice the eye thing, then don't. She looks like a mutant as soon as you do...

Posted: Tuesday, 02 April, 2002 @ 12:06 PM

O.o Right, of course.... But I like the left eye. The one with the slightly thicker black line on top of it? Kinda like eyelashes, I guess. Looks nice. Just need it on the other eye and you're set. Bdw, the full-on portraits of animals are always hard to get right, soooo.... Heh. S'long as you keep practicing, you'll get it right.

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