Anne E. Gipple

Not another Ryanne pic...
Not another Ryanne pic... by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

Done on Flash and Bryce, stuck together and special effects added in Photoshop.

I crashed Flash so many times trying to do this. I eventually had to jack my virtual memory up to 400 megs just to open the file so I could finish on Photoshop.

Plus the photoshop file is high res because I want to print it, so thats taking up another 130 or so megs on my hard drive...

But it was all worth it. (c: Artwork © Copyright 2002 Anne E. Gipple

Finished Work
22y81d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 11 April, 2002 @ 12:20 AM

I AM FLOORED. This pic. Rocks. Print a HUGE version of this for yourself, you deserve it!!

...When I saw the first version of this pic (well, it's pro'lly not even considered the first version, but blah), I WANTED to like it, but due to various stuff...I couldn't.

But THIS!! This is a masterpiece. The pose, the expression, the drama, the special effects, they're ALL A+, man!!!

Woo7 for you, man!! (That Invader Zim crowd voice) YOUR PIC ROCKS, MAAAN!

my art: www.lunarpages.com/corridor

Posted: Thursday, 11 April, 2002 @ 01:14 AM

Lovely colouring! But that's an understatement. ;) There's such a sense of power and energy in this pic, it really is glorious. Congrats! ^_^

Posted: Sunday, 14 April, 2002 @ 06:14 PM

Wow! The lighting, the glowy bit, the colouring, the background.....it's all wonderfully done! Hurrah! :D

Posted: Sunday, 14 April, 2002 @ 11:01 PM

D How keen! Athie sent me to look at this, and I agree - it's awesome! :) I really love the character design you have here - especially in her costume. The costume is just wonderful. :) I also love how you used "no lines" coloring - very few people seem to do that, and I know I've only done it a handful of times - it's hard! (For me at least.. ;)) A wonderful image, kudos. :)

Posted: Saturday, 10 May, 2003 @ 07:13 PM

I wish I could add to what's already been said, but the most I can do is agree. Kudos, indeed!

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