Anne E. Gipple

When characters run amok.
When characters run amok. by @annegipp (Anne E. Gipple)

shakes head I canNOT believe I'm uploading this. Heehee.

I was having a really bad day, and I was trying to cheer myself up. Mission accomplished. (c: IT'S JUST A CARTOON, and I'm still a sucker for sickeningly cuddly cuteness.


P.S. - please ignore the slightly wonky anatomy; I drew this on the back of an old history test. Thats my excuse.

22y78d ago
Other Work By @annegipp

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 05 April, 2002 @ 06:38 AM

W00t! First comment!! Well, I just want to say that its great to see something like this early in the morning, cause it wakes you right up! The bright colors, great art, and awesome humor had me laughing for a good ten minutes (Everything is funnier when you're tired!) This is especially funny for me, because I have a friend who looks like Harry Potter, so he'll be happy to know that his likeness has been hugged by a pretty girl. Well, I think I've wasted enough space. Good job!

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