Samantha Lynn

"Cheers" a.k.a. Meet Tallest Blu by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

Behold!! The ruler who preceded Red and Purple (in my version of Irk's history anyway), my beloved Tallest Blu!! ^_^

I'd created Blu a while ago, but this is the first time I'd ever drawn him. His one antenna is bent because of a battle injury - he wasn't born with it like that.

Blu reigned over Irk for 250 - he lived to be 300 (which is much older than the average Irken). No one is sure why he lived so long, but he might have lasted even longer, if it hadn't been for that glass of wine he's holding. That green wine is imported from off planet and (although delicious) is very bad for the squeegily spooch. Add that to a mountain of stress, and you're bound to have some problems.

Blu was a soldier before he was declared Tallest, and alway playing the hero. He gave his heart you a Nurse named Pon, but after the declaration, they couldn't be together. Tallests weren't supposed to have mates, after all. But Pon came to work in the Nursery (which is right next to the palace) and they got to see each other as often as they liked, even though it could never be offcial.

After that senimental note...the design of Blu's robes is different from Red and Purple's, as you can tell, mainlu because it was taylored a long long time ago. Basically, it's an older model. I had trouble coordianting all the different shades of blue, though. ^_^

Anyway, that's all I can think of to say right now, so I hope you'll all love Blu as much as I do. He can be found in my "Zim's Mate" fanfic, and my "Tale of the Tallest" fanfic (all not ff.net). Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Lynn

Finished Work
21y281d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Friday, 30 August, 2002 @ 10:12 PM

Ooh! He looks cool! ^_^ I love the design! Its really awesome. So thats why he dies...that drink..THAT EEEEEVIL DRINK!!!!!!!!!! Lol, good job, Sam! ^^

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