Samantha Lynn

Princess Fiona
Princess Fiona by @Samantha_Lynn (Samantha Lynn)

My first pic in the Amine Fanart catagory. Allow me to introduce Princess Fion of the planet Nova Crystal (a planet where females are the dominat sex).

She's a fancharacter of mine from DragonBall Z. Actually, a few friends and I have created DragonBall AU (Alternate Universe) for her to exist in, along with a few other new characters we've made up. This way, we can have the story the way we want without making anyone angry! Nifty, no?

You can read all about Fiona in my character bios if you're interested, so I'll just give a brief overview here:

Fiona ran away from her home planet at age 16, and crash landed on earth during the Saiyan Training. The gang accepted her and she joined them on all their adventures.

Her people were once amazon-ish, so she's a warrior at heart and can hold her own against any of the guys. She's a very indepentent and firey young woman, and eventually, she ends up with Vegeta.

Rememeber - this is an Alternate Universe!! For all you Bulma/Vegeta fans out there - I don't wish to disturb the harmony of your world with this. Thus, DBAU.

Ok! That's all! Read her bio if you're intherested!

Artwork © Copyright 2002 Samantha Lynn

Finished Work
21y297d ago
Other Work By @Samantha_Lynn

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 30 August, 2002 @ 10:04 PM

Cute! ^_^ I love how she looks, so you are in to DBZ? Rock on, Sam! I'm just starting on re-writing my DBZ fic, myself. I love this character and she looks awesome. I is a Bulma and Veggie fan, but fan characters are awesome, too

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