Li Chi Son

First artwork for the new year and...IT'S IN COLOUR!!! XD
First artwork for the new year and...IT'S IN COLOUR!!! XD by @Li_Chi (Li Chi Son)

I haven't drawn in pencil crayon in a while now. I kept going to webpages trying out soft colour artwork (where there aren't any black lines to outline anything on the picture) so I tried it out and it's quite nice.....a bit hard cause I'm still not sure about colouring with pencil crayon but I still like how it turned out.

It's Li Chi partly transformed into a Super Saiyan (took out the ribbon so I don't use too much red....) Note: I didn't want to use too much of my BLACK pencil crayon so I drew her with blond hair :P

I like how the hair turned out, still flows like real hair and I realized that I blend colours like I do on Photoshop.

Messed up the curves of her face when i was colouring...her face looks a bit skinny because of the direction of the pencil crayons...

Not TOO bad for my second try at pencil crayons :P....Wish I could colour like Trippy tho. Go see her artwork!


((Oh yeah....ignore that scribble on the top right....just testing out colours but I forgot how low I could go before I can't crop it off))

Artwork © Copyright 2003 Li Chi Son

Finished Work
21y203d ago
Other Work By @Li_Chi

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